Thursday 2 January 2014

Freaks and geeks.

"Fuck the old Donald Glover, yeah I'm glad he's deceased,
'Cause that sad, weak being's been replaced with a beast!"
- Donald Glover/Childish Gambino, in his classic song "Untouchable"

Holy shit, please tell me I'm not the only one who is practically naked 24/7 these days. This heat is unbearable, dude. Sweat is trickling down every inch of my body and yes, even my balls, don't hide it, you were so thinking it.

Woke up early morning for a run, it's so much cooler in the early morning than you think, aye. It's actually pleasant to be up and doing something rather than staying at home, rotting the rest of your measly existence in to oblivion due to this asshole of a heat. I wish I could say I did more but I'd be lying, all I did today was listen to Childish Gambino and NAK until it got cooler, which was never.

I met with Raymond Tran who is an amateur bodybuilding champion, he had just got out of hospital from an 11 month rehabilitation from pulling something in his back from a deadlift. He had lost around 15kg in pure muscle and to have such a good before and after image of his physique was just depressing. I don't think I've met anyone with an amazing body as his and now it's all gone, he could barely bend over a few inches and yet, the moment he was released from the hispital, he was at the gym. Amazing. Even though I felt so bad for this guy, he reassured me that he was alright with his overly-optimistic view he had of the world. It had been over a year since I last saw and trained with him and it made my year (which had just started) when he told me how I've changed since we last met. I'm going to keep this up, for me and and him, and everyone else. He told me it would be years before he can fully recover.

Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino

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