Wednesday 29 January 2014

I have a dream.

"Where are we?"
- Andy Le
"On an adventure, Andy. We're on an adventure."
- Kevin Le, we were clearly lost.

6am start, man. Jeremy is really determined. Ran around the whole lake today, it might not be much but I'll tell you, it's a fuck tonne better than what I could've done last year. I almost couldn't believe how composed and not tired I was after keeping a good pace for so long, I'm actually looking forward to these runs but not at the moment, it's 5am at the moment and I don't know if I'll be able to do it again in a few hours :S

Taught mumsies how to use the net, cleaned her house and sorted Andy's room and then I went to pick him up. Spent 10-20 minutes looking for Nina but we couldn't find her (sorry, Tai, I didn't know I was going to pick him up either) then I got lost on the way home, how you ask ? fucks me, I'm just that bad with directions. When I'm in traffic,I like to dub over conversations I can see but not hear, today, there was a white primary school girl with her bike and a black primary school boy talking near the park where I was stuck. Andy had the responsibility of dubbing over the white girl where I had the role of that black kid, it inevitably led to racist jokes and I laughed so hard, I stalled in front of them, karma is a tricky bastard but it was totally worth it.

Bought a tyre for Betty and booked in a service appointment, goddamn responsibilities, man. I'm so glad mumsies is so on top of things, I had thought I was independent since she left me to my own devices in year 11 but I'm starting to think I've always been dependent, it just wasn't as apparent but I also think that it's because she can't bare to let us go, she's too much of a mother to let go of her children like that. I don't think I'm going to be leaving under the care of mumsies anytime soon.

PS. Sorry for falling asleep when you went out to get your sharpie, bro. I don't know what happened there, either.

I Have A Dream - Common

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