Wednesday 8 January 2014

Ice box.

"Bro, you wanna sharpen your sword?"
- Jeremy Thanh, an extremely stupid suggestion.

Tai dropped by for a wee bit with his long board and that reminded me that I had a skateboard somewhere in the house and so we watched each other suck absolute shit at standing on a piece of wood with wheels. Sounds really, really bad when I put it like that. Tai left with the words "If you wanna come chill, man, drop by anytime" which was a nice gesture but whenever I do, the cunt isn't there, I didn't say anything in case he would give up valuable time just so he could be at home which is a retarded thing to do but hey, boys are like that.

Jeremy dropped by with his katana-care kit and suggested we clean and sharpen a 2 meter long sword, a suggestion so dumb that even Dante told us not to do it, let that sink in a little, the king of stupidity advised me not to do something because it was too stupid and so, after seconds of consideration, we decided to go through with it that is, until we discovered the blade was too thick to be sharpened through a edge sharpener and that doing so would cause inconsistencies along the blade. It was a good way to spend the day though, Jeremy can't stand doing nothing, well, that's what he likes to say but I'm pretty sure there's another motive behind his actions, it's so obvious but I don't question him just in case he wants to keep it a secret, what a weird dude :L 

I was 86.5kg before I started cardio and fasting which was about a week ago and now I'm 82.5kg. I AM THE FUTURE!

Ice Box - Omarion


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  2. g-reezy on the whey-teezy brah (grats on the weight). shit's gonna be sick when u shred. also, screw that wooden plank with wheels, I'm gonna master it!
