Monday 31 March 2014

Patience gets us no where

"Going to work on your day off isn't as bad as you think."
- Stevie Reynolds.

Monday would usually be my day off but since the boss fucked off somewhere, that leaves the company with a limited number of hands. I was called in by Tony, our second in command. I can tell he feels terrible for it, too, they just can't seem to understand that even if I were at home, I wouldn't be doing anything important anyway :L besides, work is pretty fun, well maybe not fun rather, enjoying. Everyone else tells me the same thing: "You get to be out and about, not being cooped up in a warehouse or office is this job's best quality, everything else, you just put with, especially those fucking customers." and not even a month in, I can already understand what they mean.

It was unusually busy today, so Stevie and I both came in on our days off and completely smashed whatever it was we had to do. There're very little feelings out there that can top your swag level when you've just done something you weren't meant to do but did it anyway because you're a cool guy, makes it even better when there's someone with you who has also done because then, you can be all like "remember the time when we did that thing so hard, people came and watched as we did it?" and then he'd be like "yeah, that was cool." and then you walk to your car in slow-motion with someone's sunglasses you picked up from the office and took it home just because of how appropriate it felt. Today was a good day.

Watched "The Red Dragon" which is the third movie of the "Hannibal" series. After watching this, I've come to the conclusion that Hannibal is just a really, bored asshole who loves fucking with people since there's literally nothing else he could've done in that cell, and I like that, despite being bat-shit insane.

Patience Gets Us No Where (Napoleon Remix) - Capital Cities

Sunday 30 March 2014


- Mumsies. I thought she'd never ask.

Woke up and headed out to Rocklea to see the wares and even though all I got was a bracelet, this morning could not have went any better. We sat down after looking around a bit to some smooth jazz n' shit while the rain crept up on everyone. I don't know how but older people know how to eat and chill, man, I have a long way to go before I can be as laxed as those guys. They were drinking coffee and making food FROM other foods, mumsies bought a cup of sausages and like, pulled out slices of bread from her fucking purse and handed me a sausage sizzle and acted as though she didn't just pull out bread from her purse and is now asking me to eat it but I digress, the main point is that I ate it and it was wonderful. How chill must you be to be prepared to give someone a sausage sizzle if you happen upon a sausage somewhere in your travels? pretty chill, that's how chill. I didn't bump into anyone, which was weird, I'd usually see the odd face or two but not this time, it wasn't too bad though, got to listen to "Sunday Morning" on repeat on a rainy Sunday morning, which is nice.

Scored myself a beaded bracelet, they're called "Tiger eyes" and I've played enough Dynasty Warriors to know that this shit gives me like +10 attack for each bead so that's like +150 attack which means ya'll niggas better watch out when I have this shit equipped. I don't wear the bracelet I got for my birthday anymore, as much as I want to, if I wore it for any longer, it'd would no longer be a bracelet and that is a sad thought, so, I'll just leave it in my room so I can glance at it now and then, to remind myself that I almost wrecked a very valuable piece of yarn. Sounds stupid when I put it like that. Wonder what the homeboy Hong is up to.

Watched "Hannibal" with Dante and now we've made plans to watch "Red Dragon" tomorrow night. Spending time with Dante isn't as bad as I thought, in fact, it's pretty much the same as when he wasn't here, only that he's actually here, if that made any sense, which I'm sure it didn't. I don't know, refrigerator.

Words (Stryv Remix) - Project 64

Saturday 29 March 2014

Thanks for the memories.

Oh man, there were a few good quotes that stuck with me today.

"You got to be in a really good mood to be with Kevin, man."
- Troy Reynolds.

"Hey Kevin, look! Its-a-me, Mario!"
- Bosch, as he threw his banana peel outside the driver side window. I laughed my tits off.


"Man, I met Mina not too long ago and I swear to god, she was dressed up to her cunt, what the hell happened to her?"
- Bosch, while letting him know what I know of our mutual friends.

6am start and what a start it was. Got paired up with Bosch and spent the muggy day going up many, many flights of stairs but hey, it beat dealing with the rain. It's always a concern if the water will provoke a item fault complaint, you'd probably won't believe but there is no low a person would stoop to in order to get out of paying for something, I didn't believe it either until yesterday and all the stories I heard from the dudes who have been here for years.

Nothing really happened other than fart and dick jokes for several hours, the day went swimmingly well to our surprise, it was a Saturday after all but it'd only be a rookie mistake to rely on a smooth day just because it's the weekend.

Watched "Silence of the Lambs" and have plans to watch the entire series. I had no idea there were like, 5 movies in the series, never really give things like movies a chance but whenever I do, I'm always surprisingly pleased with the result.

Got plans to go to the  markets tomorrow, hopefully I'll actually buy something other than food, I've come to realize that I waste quite a bit of my time at that place but it's always nice to see knick-knacks get thrown about as you browse here and there out in the open. Going with family should be a different experience, hope I bump into a few familiar faces, always seem to.

Thanks For The Memories (Kasum Remix) - Fallout Boy

Friday 28 March 2014

All I really need.

"If you boys don't get your act together, I'm going to call the store and complain!"
- a really, really cunty cunt
"Go ahead."
- Stevie Reynolds, one of the more "badass" moments he had, it made my nipples hard.

Was a wet day, not one of those good wet days either, well, for me and Stevie anyway. Got paired up with Stevie who had been in the warehouse since 6am, how he manages to keep a calm composure for the rest of the day baffles even me. Everything was dreary, wet, dark and beautiful. If it were anyone else, I would think they would've gone with the flow and kept to themselves all day, except for Stevie. According to everyone else, I'm an exception, apparently, I'm a robot that knows not of personal boundaries (when it comes to myself) and you must be able to endure hours of singing, yelling and awkward staring to put up with me, not too long ago, they thought I was Mr. Goody-two-shoes and now, I'm the town idiot.

I only remember one particular moment from today, there was a customer, the rain had just let up, only for a moment, enough for the customer to get out of the house and admire the fridge she was supposed to get. I told her it was impossible to get the fridge into the house safely without removing the front door knob and that even if we could get it up to the door in the first place. The rain had left the tiled 30 step flight of stairs slippery and for her to think that we could get a 200kg fridge without you know, slipping and dying is insane. She would tell us things like "These are graded non-slip tiles!" even though she took crazy caution going up and down or blame it on our strength as a team, "I'm not confident we can get the fridge up the stairs safely, ma'am" Stevie would say, "Well go get someone who is!" she replied as she closed the door on us. Guess she lacked something really important, like a brain or common sense or something, it was like she was asking me to poop on her lawn while giving her a rude-finger drive by, that was a very disturbing image to picture, even for me, and that was just one of the drops.

Stevie managed to keep a smile and he even gave me an invitation to his engagement party on the 3rd of May. I don't work to make friends, in fact, I don't like making friends period, there's nothing more scarier than risking a douchebag into your life and then telling that douchebag that he/she is indeed a douchebag and then having to deal with all of their douchebag friends and family just because you told a douchebag he/she is a douchebag, doesn't seem worth it to me but at work, it just happens. It'd impossible not to form some sort of bond when you've been delivering all sorts of household appliances and furniture all around Brisbane. Ooooooh oooh ho ho, a white engagement party, I wonder what one of those are like.

All I Really Need - Vindata & Kenzie May

Thursday 27 March 2014

Through the fire and flames.

"Hah! She's only got 16 friends, what a loser!"
- Dante Le, looking at Mumsies' Facebook page. I damn near pissed myself from that.

Woke up, made to work on time today but was still bombarded with shit like "you made it by the skin of your balls, mate, no, wait, you made by the skin of the hair on your balls" and I was like, 10 minutes early :L but after awhile, I learnt that there are things people say just to get you a little moody, like a bait of some sort, they don't mean it but at the same time, they don't know how diverse the reactions to those remarks can be. If it weren't for the dude before me, I would've ran the risk of being fired just because I took the bait. When someone gives you shit, just take it, aye, a lesson you can take something from because people can be completely off their fucking rocker.

Spent the day with Yoshi, the boss' son in law, that's not his real name by the way, his name is Josh Cross but because of the over-abundance of Josh's in the place, "Joshi" just stuck which then turned into "Yoshi", which is a fucking cool name for someone that looks like a pot head. He was one of those "we're here to do this, so we're gonna do it and go home" kind of person, at least, that's what he came across as, maybe it was because he was in a bit of a bad mood, the fact that he didn't like doof doof didn't help either.

Went home and watched "Tangled" can you believe it's been 4 years since that movie was released ? I'm so behind when it comes to movies. Because of Tangled, I have a sudden urge to watch Brave and Frozen, kinda makes me glad to not have watched all these movies before.

Through The Fire And Flames - Dragonforce

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Lion's den.

"Stop staring at me, Kevin. Your face is scary."
- Beau Ensor, I love how blunt this dude is.

Nothing seemed to go right today. Everyone was having a shitty day, the customers were extra cunty today, the boss left for Thailand out of the fucking blue and left his second in command and the rest of us to deal with the shit he arranged and left behind, I got to work late so that left an impression on the acting-boss and it was raining on and off all day. There are very little things that can lighten up the mood of such a terrible day, it didn't help that there were a lot of things that were added on late minute which changed everything the acting boss had planned. Didn't get home til 5:30 and leaving the office while the sun had already set was a strange sight to behold, everyone looked like they had been bitten by zombies but they were so tired, they didn't give a fuck and continued to do what they had to do as they were slowing mutating into lifeless creatures. Work can be a depressing place sometimes.

I ate KFC today lolololol. Yeah, this fasting thing isn't working anymore, it used to though, but those were the days when I didn't have to wake up on hell's hour and do things. The longer I have to wait, the higher the chance I will cave. Izzy came over with KFC and I just caved, man, I caved so damn hard but you have to understand; it doesn't matter if you're a boxer who is at their weight limit, it doesn't matter if you're a body builder who is minutes away from a posing competition, shit, it doesn't even matter if you're a vegetarian since birth; when you're offered free KFC, you say "thank you" and take that shit. Listen to me trying to justify myself :L my will power just gave out and that's all there is to it, guess I'll just have to find an alternative method to get to 65kg by May.

Lion's Den - Jhameel

Tuesday 25 March 2014


"I like doof doof."
- Bosch, I think we've made yet another connection.

I want to hit 65kg so bad, looking in the mirror is a little depressing these days, so you can only imagine how it felt last year, I feel confident I can do this but I have an inkling there's something I'm not taking into consideration. Oh well, guess I'll find out when it happens.

Day was spent with Bosch. I found out the CD players actually work in the trucks so we listened doof doof all day and I think that improved the day significantly. We did what we always did, talked about high school, friends, cars, family whilst making crude jokes, jokes so crude, we surprised ourselves with this new-found level of graphic imagery, which is nice, it's always nice to head towards your limits on things. It's a shame I only had the one CD though, we listened to the same 20 tracks several times, it was an old CD, too, it was when I had my little disco phase, Bosch was digging that shit though, even if I had to justify why I had such funky songs in my car. Need to start making more CDs!

A lot of people have been asking me why I wasn't invited to Tony's thingo awhile ago and it's weird because the answer can't be more obvious, a 4 year-old could answer this question and then proceed to flush the harmonica he's holding in his hands down the toilet because that's just what 4 year-olds do. If Tony didn't invite me, it's because he didn't want me there and I'm not saying it like that to spite him or anything, it's just the only logical way of thinking and I'm totally coo' with that. I respect that kinda stuff as much as the next guy, and even if he did want me there but forgot, that just means I wasn't important enough to remember and I am also pretty coo' with that. People just need to let it go, man. We're not kids anymore, we like to think we are but we're not, I'm sure we are to some people but we're not and to get worked up over something like that is so stupid, I have just gotten stupider for thinking about it. I hope those guys had a dope time, I really do, I'm coo' where ever I am and I think everyone else should be, too. It's these kind of people that make me walk back into the house the moment I step out, niggas out there be dumb and crazy and that's the worst kind of crazy.

#Selfie (Elephante Remix) - The Chainsmokers

Monday 24 March 2014


"Lookin' good, bro!"
- Hoc Vu, a compliment amongst compliments from a man amongst men

Another day off. I never know what to do at times like this, the feeling of doing nothing these days have me feeling a little restless so I just find random shit to do. I don't feel like doing fuck all on Sundays, having 2 days in a row off is a little much, even for me. I just went out, got a haircut and then went on a hunt for food and coffee and as usual, I ended up at YazKabab and Zaraffas :L

Jack popped up out of the blue and asked me to come and hit a few balls at the driving range down at Corinda with Matt Dwyer, Adrian Bowman and Hoc Vu and needless to say, I flew out the door and into Betty. I haven't seen Adrian since Hong's birthday and I don't even remember how long ago that was. It felt good to catch up with those guys again. I think the longer I stay away from them, the enjoyable the moment will be when we do meet, which is odd when you look at the social definition of  "friends". We didn't talk about much now that I think about it, it was mostly about they've been doing. I could sum up my last 3 years with "I work, go home, eat and then sleep." and then it's on to the next guy. Matt and Jack have been doing fuck all, Adrian is in the gaming development industry and Hoc owns a bike, that's all I picked up in the short time we were at Corinda but short and sweet is just as good as long and arduous when it comes to friends/family.

Drove to Darra and ate Pho there and then to Maccas for some soft serve ice cream, it'd be nice to share these simple moments with people but I'm afraid they won't find it as satisfying as I do, it's these small things that make everything worth it. It was a good day.

Striated - Ashton Love

Sunday 23 March 2014

Have a nice day.

"Yeap, fuck it, imma get meself a fucking Colt."
- Kevin Le.

I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few months, ever since I saw my first rallyart Colt parked right next to me at the gym parking lot. "Hahaha, that hatchback's got a hood scoop, that's so cute." and then that turned into "Have I ever told you I wanted a colt?" a question I would ask all my work mates every time a colt would drive by, "yes, yes you have" they would say. It's kinda dumb to have two cars, especially since I have Betty and after a long time of logical thinking, I've come to the conclusion that I want a Mitsubishi RallyArt Colt and though it's inefficient, fuck it, because Colt. Colt Colt Coltty Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt. Colt. Look at how fucking cute it is. 

Spent the day chilling with T.D, we napped while music played in the background in my room, I, on the bed and he, on the couch. He must've been dead tired because we passed out for a solid 3 hours in the middle of the day. I had visitors, something that hasn't happened in years, albiet, it wasn't long. Hoa bummed and brought his mate, Denne and Squishy came by for a wee bit and of course, T.D. Can't remember the last time I had a visit like that, I actually don't know why it was a thing in the first place, there's fuck all to do here but I guess it was the freedom or knowing there isn't any authority where I live but I think one of the reasons why no one comes around anymore is because they've figured out it's better to be where authority is.

Did I ever tell you guys I wanted a Colt? One day.

Have A Nice Day - World Order

Saturday 22 March 2014

Rather be.

"I come up with good ideas every now and then."
- Stevie Reynolds, it seriously blew my mind.

Saturday, and that means 6am starts, which means 10pm sleeps, which means responsibilities, which means fondling testicles because responsibilities are homosexual, which also means everyone is edgier than normal, which means you better shut up before you strike a wrong chord, which also means no fun and that means boredom but hey, at least we get to go home a little earlier, so I got that going for me, which was nice. Hahahah nah, my day wasn't that bad, these people actually seem to be morning people, I also learnt a skill I will be using quite frequently from Stevie and I will now bless you people with the same knowledge, be careful how you comprehend this knowledge because if you don't prepare yourself  to the best of your abilities, you might die. Okay, so; If you want to eat more than one soft serve ice cream at a time, eat one to the point where the wafer cone starts and then leave it for the one that is melting and bam, you can suddenly eat more than one cone without you looking like you've just finished a bukakke and that, my friends, is a very, very valuable lesson.

I don't watch movies much, and I think that's why my standards for movies are so low, almost anything can be a good movie to me. I watched 300: Rise Of An Empire with Dante and I liked it, it almost made me feel like I should watch more movies but I barely have the time to do what I already want, which is sleep and nothing. You know, thinking about it now, I think the main reason why I enjoyed the movie was because boobs.

Rather Be - Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne

Friday 21 March 2014

I don't want to be in love.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again; you need to get out more, Kevin. You got some issues."
- Troy/God Reynolds, this is more like it.

The white guys are starting to catch on, I'm a fucking weirdo compared to these guys, but this is good, we're getting somewhere. I spent my day with God and we had a pretty smooth day, other than those 2 190kg fridges we had to get up stairs, it was pretty good. Oh and while I'm at it; if you're gonna buy something and get it delivered to your house, for the love of all that is good; please make sure the thing you bought can actually fit inside your house. I can't tell you the amount of times we've busted our balls getting something to a place it can never go to, if it weren't for the faces of defeat and embarrassment on the customers face when they realize it's not going to work, they'd be dead, because we killed them, because I killed them. That's the downside of going everywhere, you get to see all the stupid people in the area and by god, these people make me look like the brightest knife in the crayon box.

Got home and napped for a solid 3 hours. Even if I get a good amount of sleep the night before, I still pass out if I lay in one spot for too long, it's probably the mental drain in knowing I did such and such and deserve stuff and fluff and as much as I do want to stay conscious and do stuff, I can't :(

Hoa called me, his motorbike broke down on Blunder Road and asked me if I could pick his ass up, so I spent my evening listening to bike talk while driving back and forth from Blunder Road to my house so he could apply a temporary fix to his bike. He was on his way to Tony's, too, he wanted to surprise everyone on his bike but that unfortunately didn't go the way he planned, in fact, it went the exact opposite way he planned, poor bloke. It was a long night but it wasn't a bad one. Fluttering around here and there on occasion is quite nice, I think knowing that it won't happen everyday adds a little bit of excitement for when it does happen, I don't think I've worded my sense of spontaneity better than they previous sentence.

Dance Floor Anthem (I Don't Want To Be In Love) - Good Charlotte

Thursday 20 March 2014

Like it's her birthday.

"No fucking way.."
- Kevin Le

I saw one of the coolest things I've ever seen today. Stevie and I were doing our morning runs and on the way to the coast, there was a line of ducklings being led by an adult duck across the road. We stopped and watched this line of ducks cross the rod for a good minute, holding up traffic, Stevie acted as if they happened every hour of his life but when I saw this, I flipped my shit. I had never seen this before, I've seen it in movies and shit but I never thought these kind of things actually happen and I can easily say; that that one sight right there, made my fucking day. Ducks are so cute.

I'm starting to think I'm seeing too much in too little time, like life wasn't meant to be taken this fast, me being in a vehicle for most of the day doesn't help, I can't imagine what other things these guys have seen. They saw the duck crossing more of a nuisance than a miracle and I guess that's only natural but to see them in such a way must've meant they've seen a fuck load of ducks. Guess it what it really boils down to is how much of what I see am I paying attention to.

Got home and just put on some tunes as I slowly dozed off. I like this simple lifestyle but surely, this can't be all there is. I will eventually pay attention to those things I've missed but still, there's got to be something out there I want to do before I hit that stage of mid-adulthood. I don't mind if this is all it is but people make life to be so big that I guess I raised my hopes, whether or not they will stay up is something I'm just gonna find out.

Like It's Her Birthday - Good Charlotte 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

One minute more.

"Looks like we're stuck with you from now on."
- Steve, the bossman

7am start with Bosch, we took it pretty easy today. We were sent to do the out runs so we weren't under the constant supervision of the boss, instead, he left us to our own devices to pick up goods from different warehouses and then deliver them as well as run a few errands. Anything goes with this job and I kinda like it but it leaves plenty of room for headaches, there're many things that would've went better if only they were thought out but we sacrifice preparation and organization for this sense of spontaneity but it doesn't seem like anyone minds and to me, that's kinda special. Maybe I'm reading too into things, maybe they're just naturally unorganized and this spontaneity is actually killing them, thank god there's nothing like that for me to worry about.

Drove Bosch home after work, flashed my nipple at Nataliee, who I saw walking home with her friend and bummed at home until something happened and that something turned out to be Hoa. Haven't seen that dude in ages, well, there was that one time he rocked up with Flynn but that barely counts. Hoa came to drop off his bike at my house, I didn't ask why since I don't care but I can take a good guess. Something to do with his family I'd wager. Hoa asked if I wanted to tag along to Mt Gravatt to pick up a jacket, which I did, I ended up driving though and what a drive it was. We didn't talk in the car much but we don't talk much in general so that was understandable. Dropped Hoa at Leon's after everything was said and done and was completely knackered by the time I got home. It's pretty hard to juggle work and gym so I'm beginning to slack off on the latter but I suppose there's plenty of time for that stuff later. Right now, I just need to keep grinding fo dat highlife.

One Minute More - Capital Cities

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Lost in thought.

"Don't you speak to me in that tone, young man!"
- Josh/Bob, I just call him Bosch now.

Woke up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. Had a fuck tonne of sleep the night before so it was awesome to be up and revved for a day on the road. Bosch came back from his holiday leave and what a day did he decide to come back, it was hot as ballszzzz. I didn't even realize he left until he came back, I had just assumed he played hooky all this time since that is the kind of impression you get from him. Inalabred. Fate would have it, I was paired up with him and so we got up to all sorts of shenanigans since he's the one I'm most similar to. We convinced customers that we were father and son and got into family disputes, we lived off of the look of confusion we got from others and pissed ourselves laughing the moment we got back into the truck, it's especially funny since he's white. There're are all sorts of things you can do to make the day better, people like to complain about how boring their day is but they don't make an effort to improve it, it's like they secretly get pleasure from a shit day because it gives them something to complain to others about, those are the kinds of people I would like to avoid, it's strange because all of them make the majority that walk the Earth.

Went home, tried to poop and sniffed a pie, I could taste hunger and smell desperation.

Lost In Thought - KOAN Sound

Monday 17 March 2014


"Bye Dante!"
- Kevin Le, as he saw him off for work
"Fuck up."
- Dante Le, as he went off for work

Monday is a free day, fuck all happened today. There's quite literally nothing I can talk about so I'll just talk about things I want to talk about, like for instance; my fridge light is broken, so now not only can I not eat anything because the fridge is empty, but now, I can't see how empty my fridge is when I open it for no fucking reason in the middle of the night but I suppose that's a good thing. I can no longer be depressed at how empty my fridge is but I suspect that won't be for much longer. Mumsie's got some dude to live with me so now, I live with my brother and a stranger, you'd think knowing he's a stranger would make you more alert but the dude is practically a ghost, he's been living here for the last week and I only remembered today when I saw him leave the house to go for a walk. It's actually really creepy when I word it like that but seeing it is another thing, weirdly enough. I know he's eventually fill the fridge and live like a total asian while he's here. He's gonna wake up really early every morning JUST to make a glass of bitter coffee, read the paper he cannot even understand while sitting in the back yard smoking, if I had a hammock, everyone would think we were in Vietnam, minus the constant salty smell.

Why are old people so polite? They've seen the most shit, they should be swearing in every breathe, knowing what things were and what they've become but every time I get the pleasure to meet one, they're the nicest beings in the world and they even get startled, offended even when they hear a swear. Maybe it's all the shit they're being fed in those retirement complexes or maybe they've just seen some shit, like, some real shit, shit that's so detrimental, they've become the saints they are. I don't know, I just find it weird. I'll yell at everything for absolutely no reason when I'm old and it's gonna be the best thing ever.

Today was a good Monday :) even though all I did was think about pointless as shit whilst rotting in my own filth.

Touchdown - Vitodito

Sunday 16 March 2014


"You know, it's really easy to talk about "the right thing to do" when it's not your life."
- Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher), from "That 70's Show" Surprisingly deep stuff from someone who is meant to be dumb.

Woke up on Tai's living room floor stiff as fuck (my body, not my penis) so I said "your floor is actually quite comfortable" when what I meant was "you could stab every inch of my body and I wouldn't even blink because of how stiff I am" so I got up and passed out on top of Leon. When everyone came to, Leon was gone to pick up his new ride and the rest of us cleaned up what was left of his house, well, only the small stuff. We needed more resources to start on the bigger things so those were left for later. I started my dangerous pilgrimage to my house and passed out until it was time push Tai out of Poinciana Street and as sad as the rest of the day was, it felt like everything he said were things you would say if you were moving on, and even though he is, it made me think about how stationary I was. To be honest, it felt like I was being left behind, I don't mean it in a sad way, it's more like a "huh.." kinda way.

I got to ride in Bunta's and Taikumi's (LOL SEE WHAT I DID THUR?!) Subaru back and forth, moving the rest of the stuff from Poinciana to Yerongpan and my very little knowledge of moving shit around actually came to be of some use but it wasn't as efficient as it could've been, it's a team effort after all, not pointing out names or anything.... Flynn hahaha. Taikumi drove us to our respective houses and that was that. I can't help but look at his old house when I drive by, the gates are closed and nobody is home, kinda eerie.

I don't think I could've made my Sunday any better. It was my day off but I knew if I were to stay home, I'd do fuck all so having this distraction was a really satisfying feeling, just being around people you haven't seen in ages is rewarding enough, even if you were drenched in sweat half the time. Went to do cardio and abs while catching up with a few gym peeps, watched "That 70's Show" and chilled with Dante and Izzy, t'was an awesome Sunday.

Homecoming - Kanye West & Chris Martin

Saturday 15 March 2014

We'll be coming back

"Hey, I know! I'll use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan!"
- Brock, a moment of pure genius in the first movie.

Today is my third day in a row working with Stevie, we made some progress today, learnt a lot about him, told me about his fiance and how his engagement party is happening in a few months, we even sang "99 bottles of beer on the wall" but I fucked up when I got to 11 and skipped to 9 so that meant I had to start again, I'm pretty sure he wanted to stab me with a couch at around 60 bottles of beer on the wall. While I'm on the subject of that song; why does the number seven have two syllables? it completely fucks up the entire flow of the song, you gotta say it slightly faster and if you forget to do that, you sound retarded plus, you'll probably forget what number you were up to. I must've spent a good 20 minutes ranting about this to Stevie today. Poor bastard, stuck with me 3 times in a row, had to deal with my shit all day, the fact that we started at 6 in the morning probably didn't help either.

I was meant to help Tai move out today but work took priority, well, I wasn't meant to but I wanted to. I had told him the night before that I wouldn't be able to lend a hand and even though it was completely understandable, I sure felt like a dick turning the dude down but despite me selfishly grinding towards my goals, he invited me and a few others for a chill sesh tonight, seeing as it was his final night there, we figured "fuck it, we'll sleep here too." so Flynn, Leon, Oscar (who went home), Denne and myself played Mario Party and Street fighter til everyone KO'ed due old age, it was quite depressing now that I think about it, we didn't last longer than 3am and to think, just a few years ago, 3am was about the time we would get up, wrestle each other and then get ready for school an hour later. Goddamn, we were monsters back then. Didn't expect to see those guys so soon, I had thought uni had them completely imprisoned until mid-semester break so seeing those guys was dope. Got a compliment or two which made me feel like I was on top of the world. "You've made heaps of gains." - Oscar Tu. oh god, that made me so erect.

We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris & Example

Friday 14 March 2014


"Oh god, it's Kevin."
- Stevie Reynolds, Troy/God's older brother.

Spent the day working with Stevie, my other mentor. I think it was my second day of work that I was grouped up with Stevie and Craig, he had seemed like the quiet guy but he's just like you or me, just needed a little warming up to is all. Before I knew it, we were singing songs on the radio and laughing at really stupid things, mostly at brand names like "Dixie Cummings" or buildings with giant words like "CockRam" shit like that always makes the day go by faster.

I don't think we did much, then again, there's nothing you can do when you're in a truck for most of the day. We talked about things I can no longer remember while doing deliveries for some very, very wealthy people. You wouldn't believe some of places we deliver for but it shouldn't really surprise me. I mean, if you can afford to shop at Harvey Norman, then you can afford most things because nigga, that joint is pricey as balls.

I can bench my own weight! Being 89 last Christmas wasn't looking too good for me but now that I'm around 70-73kg, I can do shit I never thought I could do before. That was always a milestone for most people, you know, to bench your own weight, when I heard Kiet could bench 100kg, I was dumbfounded, I still am, actually. It's good to have living goals close by at all times, I don't think I will be losing any motivatin anytime soon. I'm probably the last dude to have hit this mark, it's not impressive at all when so many people have already reached and went beyond this point a long time ago but nigga, better late than never.

Was just about to head out to the gym when Tai texted me to see if I wanted to bum at his place since it was gonna be one of his last days there. There're plenty of chances to gym, wish I could say the same with family so we bummed and played Street Fighter til 10 while catching up since I haven't seen the bastard since Christmas. As far as I could tell, nothing had really changed, they still talk to each other on a daily basis online and still give each other shit while playing an insane amount of games so it was relieving to know that none of them are dead and that they're still doing their things.

Lightning - Cash Cash & John Rzeznik

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Only for you.

"I'm scared, what do I do?"
Jacqueline Tieu, asking me what to do when she got handed a page-long written note in the gym.

On a normal day, I would have to get to work by 8am, this was not one of those days. Steve called me at 6:30am and asked if I could get to work at 7am that morning, this job really is unpredictable, I bet you I blew him away when I rocked up looking fresh as fuck 30 minutes later. Spent the day with Brad so that meant I had to bring my iPod and that meant a really long trip and that meant going to the coast. I reached that stage where I would no longer be needed to be mentored or reminded how to do so and so, it's good but at the same time, it's scary. Brad told me when we started that he'd keep his mouth shut and leave everything but the driving to me and I got excited and saw it as a challenge, and it was but the more times I did it, the more times I doubted myself. "did I remind them of the CODs" or "Did I tell them everything they needed to know?" those thoughts would constantly be on my mind and work became 10 times more mentally exhausting than it initially was. Brad, the fucker wouldn't even tell me how I was doing until we finished so that didn't help but he reported to Steve that I did good which made me collapse to my knees in relief. "What's wrong Kevy?" he would ask. "Go fuck yourself, Brad." I replied. It was a good day.

Work is more tiring than I gave it credit for. I've been skipping gym more and more often due to passing out the moment I home. There's no way this could continue so I looked at a picture of Dana Linn Bailey and got my ass to the gym, and I'm so glad I did. I exchanged looks with Jacqueline, a chick I spoke to once or twice in high school and made small talk which was dope, I'm more amazed with the fact that she remembered me. Kiet and Jeremy showed up shortly after, I haven't seen either of those guys since Christmas so catching up with them was nice. Kiet got his motorcycle license and Jeremy is still a weirdo. That was about all I could gather from out brief reunion but it was enough, there's plenty of time to catch up and I think I'd like to be overwhelmed with details the next time I see them, the next time I see anyone, really.

Only For You (Maor Levi Remix) - Mat Zo & Rachel K Collier

Tuesday 11 March 2014


"You ever heard the phrase: "Don't take money from strangers."?"
- Kevin Le
- Troy Reynolds.

Today was strange, everyone was pretty on-edge and it seemed like nothing was gonna take the awkwardness out of the air. I remember sitting in one spot for ages waiting to be told to do something but for some reason, something was holding us up and we couldn't get to work, something to do with a late cargo or rather. I got dragged by God (Troy) to do some delivery runs in hopes to get away from the uncomfortable atmosphere and we did. I said some really dumb jokes and that seemed to lift the mood a little and after that, it was smooth sailing, can't say the same for the guys we left behind though...

I received my first tip today! God and I had a delivery for some really nice old ladies and once we were done installing her washing machine, she handed us both $20 notes. It was so strange, Troy took it without a second thought but I literally stood there for a good minute wondering what I should do. My circumstances were telling me "take the fucker" but my gut was all like "hmmm, I don't know, man." I couldn't call Andy because he was at school so I just went with my gut. I waited for the old lady to turn around and I left the note under a jar of jam (typical) and I still have no idea if they know or not. I told God what I did and he told me I might've offended them, as if I pitied them and it blew my mind because I never thought of it that way. There's a lot to life and society that I don't even bother to keep up with it anymore. I probably offended the shit out of those old ladies and wouldn't have a clue, they're probably placing a voodoo curse on me and watching me through a crystal ball at this very moment just because I couldn't take money from people I don't know. But it's strange how your morals and priorities can change when you're working, tips are a bonus instead of "just a strangers money" and I guess I just need a little time for me to start thinking that way but as for right now, I think I'll do whatever feels right. Fuck those old ladies, nah, I kid, dey coo'.

My Facebook hiatus didn't last very long, I got home and wanted my daily dose of food porn and the easiest way to do that was through Facebook, plus, there were events and such I wanted to be updated with so deactivated that thing wasn't such a bright idea. So much for that little spiel about social networking :L Never really know what I lost until it's gone. I hope my toe heals up real soon. 

Dilemma - Nelly & Kelly Rowland

Monday 10 March 2014

All of me.

- Some dude at Skylark Street. I laughed my fuckin' ass off the moment I heard that.

This lack of communication I have with everyone has got me thinking; everyone is out doing their own thing and I think I should be doing the same. There's no point being social when no one is available, it's a little late to be thinking about it now but at least I got it cemented that people are just busy with their own shit. I think all I'm going to be doing is work, gym, eat and sleep. I really have it easy compared to everyone else, it kinda makes me sad, I often thought "there's no way that this is all there is to it" but after doing it for a while, it really is, all I have to do now is find a way to not get bored of it all and pray to god that I don't fall in love, knowing that my income is going towards something should fend off boredom enough but I have a strange feeling that it won't. Nothing is happening on Facebook either so it's high time I get rid of that, too, social media networking first needs a social life to be any use and I don't think I'll be getting any of that anytime soon, and nor should I. 

Nataliee spoke to me today when I went to get my Zaraffa's fix, she actually initiated a conversation with me over the counter, asking where I work and what I'm up to n' shit, felt like I tackled a dragon and leveled up somewhere in life and now I can start new quests, maybe I've been jumping to conclusions all this time :L I also saw Sang when I went for a little walk to Inala but for some reason, when I saw her, I didn't stop walking, it was like I made it an effort not to stop for conversation and even though I felt like an asshole, I didn't feel bad about it, maybe this lack of social exchanges have made me accustomed to the idea that I don't need the occasional conversation with people I've known for years, that being said though, it'd sure be nice to have that again, or maybe I just really needed to pee. We'll never know. I also saw Teresa and Hannah at the gym today, I didn't speak to them either. Weird.

All of Me (Dash Berlin Rework) - John Legend

Sunday 9 March 2014

Drop the poptart.

"I don't think it's normal to be sleeping that much."
- Dante Le, waking me up for the third time.

Man, today was dope. I slept like a baby til 4pm, there were instances where I would wake up before that but only to brush my teeth, go to the toilet or check what is in the fridge but other than that, slept til I couldn't sleep anymore. There's nothing like knowing you've done your fill of work and then resting with peaceful mind. The curtains made my room seem as if it was late evening so I unknowingly snuck in a few extra hours so I think I was out for about 16 hours of the day and what a day it was.

There's nothing I can really say since I wasn't conscious for most of the day, when I was awake, it was in the company of MegaLats then Dante and Izzy. I haven't been to the gym the last 3 or so days because of my period toe, I was never one to risk hurting it further so I'd much rather stop altogether to let it heal but because Dante fed me a shit load of pain killers, the pain has been killed thus continuing my quest to be in shape in order to survive a zombie apocalypse, thank you, Dante.

Drop The Poptart - Deadmau5

Saturday 8 March 2014

Only girl.

"You eat really fucking loudly, you know that?"
- Troy Reynolds

I never noticed, guess living alone all this time made me superfluous to this fact, I mean, there really isn't a need to eat quietly when there's no one else around so having this shoved into my face was really eye-opening so when I was faced with this statement, I thought about it for ages as I smacked my lips harder. I remember being told something like this in high school, Tiffany would often tell me how disgusting and annoying I was when I ate so I had to turn around or put forth effort to eat with my mouth closed, thinking back now; that was a dumb ass thing to do, I wonder why I let those opinions get the better of me. I should've told her to fuck off or get up and eat elsewhere, I don't know why people get mad over something like that, I'm fucking eating, that's like telling me to stop breathing. How can you even pay attention to something like that when you're eating anyway? I get so immersed in my own food, I won't even realize I was being butt-raped until the meal is over, I thought everyone was the same. Fucking people, man, fuck em'.

Speaking of food; I saw something amazing today. I spent the day as Troy's (I call him "God" now since his name sounds like "Troi") off-sider and we went to refuel the truck as we do every morning before our deliveries and the dude bought a sausage roll when he went in to pay for the fuel, notice how I said "a sausage roll" and not "a sausage roll with sauce" yeah, that's right, this dude was eating a sausage roll by itself. I looked at this dude as if he took a bite out of a kit kat without breaking it apart for the entire duration of his meal and that segway-ed into an 8 hour-long argument on whether or not it is normal for people to eat sausage rolls without sauce. We had 8 deliveries which meant I had 8 chances to prove to this guy that that shit isn't normal. I forgot to ask some of the customers and to my amazement, 4 out of 6 people do not have sauce with their sausage rolls, to me, that is insane. One of the dudes I asked was a real Aussie, like, a real, real Aussie, if this dude was any more Aussie, he'd shit didgeridoos. The guy had the flag tattooed across his chest and everything, goddamnit, can't believe I lost a bet I was so sure of winning. I was so caught up in that sight that I forgot to pay attention to anything else throughout the day. I spent the entire day thinking about sausage rolls.

Only Girl (Scott Bradley & Niia Cover) - Rihanna

Friday 7 March 2014

Adore you.

"We gotta help each other out when we can, life isn't so hard that way."
- Random carpenter, asked him to move his ute for us to finish the delivery.

Dude, some angel from Heaven came down to Poinciana Street and fixed that fuckin' pothole. You've no idea the joy I have at the moment. I'm positive I speak for all of Poinciana Street when I say that person who filled up that pothole is a god. There was no nearby construction going on at all so that can only mean that someone felt the need to get some cement and make concrete and that meant finding out the gravel/powder ratio of the road to make it stable and consistent enough for traffic, as a dude who has done construction for a good year or two, this makes me giddy to know that there's someone like that on this street. I don't think you guys understand, if today was raining caramel and chocolate, the highlight of my day would still be this filled pothole. Bless your soul, lone hero of Poinciana. You are acknowledged. 

Day was spent being Beau Ensor's off-sider, which was something I enjoyed, I enjoy being with anyone who's not a complete asshole. No matter how simple the day seems, there's always a catch, something I learnt when I started working here. There's always one or two orders that require an immense amount of patience and/or effort so walking into the warehouse, looking at your list and thinking "oh, this will be piss-easy" is always the wrong approach, that being said though, today was a good day. At least I didn't drop anything on my foot today, so I got that going for me which is nice. 

Adore You (Cedric Gervais Remix) - Miley Cyrus

Thursday 6 March 2014

Careless whisper.

"Thank you, Kevin. You are a gentleman and a scholar."
- Tony, I don't think they have the right impression of me but I guess I'll let them dream a little longer.

I threw away my fasting program a week ago and I can already tell I'm gaining weight at a ridiculous rate. It's almost like I'm trying to make up for all those meals I missed. Had maccas 4 times today and wolfed down a entire bar of chocolate, not one of those snickers bars, I mean, like an entire slab of cadbury dairy milk chocolate and I got to tell ya, today was the best day I've had in months. I can't even begin to describe my joy when I can just pick up what ever the fuck I want and just shove it in my mouth without a second thought but thanks to this revived habit, I'm back to 75 which is no good. This little phase probably won't last long, it's only a matter of weight until I feel the need to start fasting again but next time around, I'll aim higher, lets see if I can cap it at 65, now there's a struggle worth struggling.

I'm starting to think my life is just going to revolve around me and my family. I do nothing but work and work out and I kinda like it. I'm trying to rid this family of all it's problems and the fastest way to do that is to live this cycle again and again for a very, very long time and I'm okay with that, there's nothing quite like keeping busy while knowing that what you're doing is very influential to how things will turn out, things that play a huge factor in your life, for the better of course. I'm keeping a good pace (I think) and I have no intention of slowing it down, I just hope nothing else happens, good or bad, at least that way, I won't be disappointed.

Careless Whisper (1930's Jazz Cover) - George Michaels

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Kei to the city.

"Oh my god, I feel so fat.... want some chocolate?"
- Dante Le, after eating a shit load of maccas.

I dropped a fucking couch on my big toe, not one of those pansy ass two seater ones, too, it was one of those fucking electrical recliner sofas that weigh like 200kg (that is no exaggeration, by the way) and now my toe looks like it's constantly got poop and period blood all over it. I swear on me mum, I don't think I've ever sat on the ground and cried inside as hard as I did today, it was like I was re-enacting that family guy episode where Peter was holding his knee for like, an entire minute. And while I'm on the subject of electrical recliners; why do they even exist? Have we really become such a lazy species that we now require buttons to lift up our feet WHILE we're sitting down? Hear me out here, they weigh half a city, needs to be next to a power point (that's one power point per electrical recliner) and take ages to extend to the maximum capacity and yet, there are still people who think "you know what our unit could use right now? a fucking electrical recliner lounge set, I'm just gonna give Harvey Norman a call and see if they can get that fat asian kid to lift something that weighs just about as much as my mum up several flights of stairs and then complain when he's done, oh how wonderful it feels to be an asshole." What ever happened to those old recliners? the ones where all you had to do was pull a trigger and it'd shoot up like a horny, hung stallion in mating season? These things cost like a minimum of $7000 too, I just, man, I don't fucking even, mate.

It's like I got frostbite or something, no, more like half frostbite since I can still see blood, Sweet Mary, Jesus, Joseph, God. They asked me to come in tomorrow, too and I don't want to tell them "Yeah, I got a severe case of Bigfootgitus and thus, I'm gonna pass on the chance of rolling in moneyz and bitches" so no one knows I have an entire village living on my foot and no one is going to know, I'll make sure of that. I am going to have a pleasant day tomorrow and acquire dat currency. Pain is temporary, bitches are forever.

But yeah, other than that little mishap, it's been a pretty good day, got to go up to Sunshine Coast for the first time in about half a decade so that was nice. The view is insane there, I'm honestly amazed why there weren't many people just looking at the waves, I could've done that for hours on end. Guess they're just used to that lifestyle, I bet most of the people who spend their time there haven't even heard of Inala before.

 Kei To The City - MOOG & Simone Stockl

Tuesday 4 March 2014


"Oh 9/11 ? Biggie Smalls did that."
- Wes, I laughed so damn hard when he said that with complete seriousness on his face.

There are people who are strictly business. Work isn't meant to be fun but people take the chance when they see it but there are also people who keep that working face on at all times and there's something there that deserves respect. I was paired up with a bloke name Brad and he is just that. He didn't crack a joke, a laugh, shit, not even a smile the entire time I was with him and just for that, he gets quite a lot of shit from people. Can you imagine being hated for doing your job? I suppose there isn't a need to be a hardass but then again, there also isn't a need to not be one either. This dude took his job seriously and being with the guy was educational, it's a shame no one else thought the same though, kinda makes me think twice about people but even at work, I can't help but form opinions of those around me. Co-workers are unique in terms of relationship, you're not quite friends but you're not quite strangers, you depend on each other yet you're not family and they're people that will be around you for a majority of the day, they bitch about each other to no end but because of that relationship, they keep a face they don't want to. Breaking it down like this is depressing, guess I'll just sleep it off and forget about the whole thing tomorrow, that's how it usually works for me anyway.

Today was a good day, wasn't as fun as the others but that's only because fun is a privilege, I shouldn't be upset just because I didn't have a little fun, sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't but the shit that happens when people don't is ri-fucking-diculous.

I found out that I'm not as massive as I thought :( turns out, it was just the lighting at mumsies' house that made me think I was bigger than I actually was so now I am quite sad :L Dat lighting doe.

Drive - MOOG & Erin Renee

Monday 3 March 2014


"You wanna have a pube-off?"
- Josh/Bob, we were somehow on the subject of genitals which then led to a needlessly graphic conversation about who had more pubes, was funny as fuck.

Usually, I'd take Monday off but staying home and dying wasn't in my best interest after what happened last week, so I asked if I could come in on Monday and they happily obliged. Spent the day again with Josh/Bob and together, we shattered the record for unloading an entire cargo at 19 minutes, I don't know what it was before but it sure does sound impressive. Warehousing and packing for tomorrow's delivery was all we did, most of it was just sitting about waiting for the next truck, hahaha, the shit we get paid for, man, you have no idea.

Gave away all my Nintendo 64 games to Troy, a mate from work. Must've been about $1200 worth of games, it's not that it was a lot of games but the value of Nintendo 64 cartridges have gone up recently, they've pretty much become a collectible at this point, found out "Super Smash Brothers" alone is worth well over $160 and I gave that away and then some to a dude I barely know. I remember being told the idea of a "random act of kindness" and the concept was too intriguing to ignore and I guess this can count as my random act of kindness. The idea is to sparka chain reaction and trigger some sort of spontaneity to the recipient with hopes that he/she will do the same for another. Even though I could've made a pretty penny from those games, I'd rather not sell them, it'd be like trading in your memories for money, I'd much rather give it some dude who still plays those kinda things, regardless of who he/she is.

Bro, I looked in the mirror at mumsies' house and I have to say, I'm humongous. Like, massive, even I think I'm on roids. Not to toot my own horn but goddamn, I'm sexy, got a long way to go though but I'm pretty proud of my progress. THINGS ARE LOOKING EVEN HIGHER THAN THEY ORIGINALLY WERE!

Dragonfly - Dash Berlin & Carita La Nina

Sunday 2 March 2014


"Get up, Kevin! We're going to woolies!"
- Dante Le, I never thought I'd see the day that there'd actually be something in my fridge.

I must've been more tired than I thought I was yesterday, I'm pretty sure I passed out for like, 15 hours in total today. They warned me about how taxing this job is but it doesn't really hit you until you go home. I felt like I could take on the world when I'm at work but the moment I go home, shower and put on some music, there is nothing I'd rather be doing than sleep but I suppose that shit is normal. There are people who have been with the company for years and do the exact same thing.

Dante put me on a diet-thingy and goddamn, if I were to keep this up, I'd be broke beyond repair. I don't think I'll ever get into the "eat healthy" fad, despite how beneficial it is, it's like $30 a day, fuck that. Fuck that and everything remotely related to that. Was pretty cool to see something in the fridge though, so that was nice. 

Went to Alex's house to pick up a bunch Nintendo 64 games I had left there years ago, from our good ol' year 9-10 days. Didn't actually see him though, he was sleeping and as much as I wanted to hang around, I left him to his slumber and got home to see Denne and Squishy bumming in my room. As stupid and asshole-ish as this sounds; I completely forgot that I had friends, it's been so long since I've seen them that I just went about my day as if they were never there so it was a good surprise to see them, even if it was just for a brief moment or two. We didn't do much though, talked about what we've been up to and then they had to go someone up or something, I don't know, wasn't paying much attention.

My day off comprised of eating, sleeping, driving, sleeping and eating, like how every day off should be.