Tuesday 25 March 2014


"I like doof doof."
- Bosch, I think we've made yet another connection.

I want to hit 65kg so bad, looking in the mirror is a little depressing these days, so you can only imagine how it felt last year, I feel confident I can do this but I have an inkling there's something I'm not taking into consideration. Oh well, guess I'll find out when it happens.

Day was spent with Bosch. I found out the CD players actually work in the trucks so we listened doof doof all day and I think that improved the day significantly. We did what we always did, talked about high school, friends, cars, family whilst making crude jokes, jokes so crude, we surprised ourselves with this new-found level of graphic imagery, which is nice, it's always nice to head towards your limits on things. It's a shame I only had the one CD though, we listened to the same 20 tracks several times, it was an old CD, too, it was when I had my little disco phase, Bosch was digging that shit though, even if I had to justify why I had such funky songs in my car. Need to start making more CDs!

A lot of people have been asking me why I wasn't invited to Tony's thingo awhile ago and it's weird because the answer can't be more obvious, a 4 year-old could answer this question and then proceed to flush the harmonica he's holding in his hands down the toilet because that's just what 4 year-olds do. If Tony didn't invite me, it's because he didn't want me there and I'm not saying it like that to spite him or anything, it's just the only logical way of thinking and I'm totally coo' with that. I respect that kinda stuff as much as the next guy, and even if he did want me there but forgot, that just means I wasn't important enough to remember and I am also pretty coo' with that. People just need to let it go, man. We're not kids anymore, we like to think we are but we're not, I'm sure we are to some people but we're not and to get worked up over something like that is so stupid, I have just gotten stupider for thinking about it. I hope those guys had a dope time, I really do, I'm coo' where ever I am and I think everyone else should be, too. It's these kind of people that make me walk back into the house the moment I step out, niggas out there be dumb and crazy and that's the worst kind of crazy.

#Selfie (Elephante Remix) - The Chainsmokers

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