Saturday 15 March 2014

We'll be coming back

"Hey, I know! I'll use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan!"
- Brock, a moment of pure genius in the first movie.

Today is my third day in a row working with Stevie, we made some progress today, learnt a lot about him, told me about his fiance and how his engagement party is happening in a few months, we even sang "99 bottles of beer on the wall" but I fucked up when I got to 11 and skipped to 9 so that meant I had to start again, I'm pretty sure he wanted to stab me with a couch at around 60 bottles of beer on the wall. While I'm on the subject of that song; why does the number seven have two syllables? it completely fucks up the entire flow of the song, you gotta say it slightly faster and if you forget to do that, you sound retarded plus, you'll probably forget what number you were up to. I must've spent a good 20 minutes ranting about this to Stevie today. Poor bastard, stuck with me 3 times in a row, had to deal with my shit all day, the fact that we started at 6 in the morning probably didn't help either.

I was meant to help Tai move out today but work took priority, well, I wasn't meant to but I wanted to. I had told him the night before that I wouldn't be able to lend a hand and even though it was completely understandable, I sure felt like a dick turning the dude down but despite me selfishly grinding towards my goals, he invited me and a few others for a chill sesh tonight, seeing as it was his final night there, we figured "fuck it, we'll sleep here too." so Flynn, Leon, Oscar (who went home), Denne and myself played Mario Party and Street fighter til everyone KO'ed due old age, it was quite depressing now that I think about it, we didn't last longer than 3am and to think, just a few years ago, 3am was about the time we would get up, wrestle each other and then get ready for school an hour later. Goddamn, we were monsters back then. Didn't expect to see those guys so soon, I had thought uni had them completely imprisoned until mid-semester break so seeing those guys was dope. Got a compliment or two which made me feel like I was on top of the world. "You've made heaps of gains." - Oscar Tu. oh god, that made me so erect.

We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris & Example

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