Monday 17 March 2014


"Bye Dante!"
- Kevin Le, as he saw him off for work
"Fuck up."
- Dante Le, as he went off for work

Monday is a free day, fuck all happened today. There's quite literally nothing I can talk about so I'll just talk about things I want to talk about, like for instance; my fridge light is broken, so now not only can I not eat anything because the fridge is empty, but now, I can't see how empty my fridge is when I open it for no fucking reason in the middle of the night but I suppose that's a good thing. I can no longer be depressed at how empty my fridge is but I suspect that won't be for much longer. Mumsie's got some dude to live with me so now, I live with my brother and a stranger, you'd think knowing he's a stranger would make you more alert but the dude is practically a ghost, he's been living here for the last week and I only remembered today when I saw him leave the house to go for a walk. It's actually really creepy when I word it like that but seeing it is another thing, weirdly enough. I know he's eventually fill the fridge and live like a total asian while he's here. He's gonna wake up really early every morning JUST to make a glass of bitter coffee, read the paper he cannot even understand while sitting in the back yard smoking, if I had a hammock, everyone would think we were in Vietnam, minus the constant salty smell.

Why are old people so polite? They've seen the most shit, they should be swearing in every breathe, knowing what things were and what they've become but every time I get the pleasure to meet one, they're the nicest beings in the world and they even get startled, offended even when they hear a swear. Maybe it's all the shit they're being fed in those retirement complexes or maybe they've just seen some shit, like, some real shit, shit that's so detrimental, they've become the saints they are. I don't know, I just find it weird. I'll yell at everything for absolutely no reason when I'm old and it's gonna be the best thing ever.

Today was a good Monday :) even though all I did was think about pointless as shit whilst rotting in my own filth.

Touchdown - Vitodito

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