Sunday 16 March 2014


"You know, it's really easy to talk about "the right thing to do" when it's not your life."
- Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher), from "That 70's Show" Surprisingly deep stuff from someone who is meant to be dumb.

Woke up on Tai's living room floor stiff as fuck (my body, not my penis) so I said "your floor is actually quite comfortable" when what I meant was "you could stab every inch of my body and I wouldn't even blink because of how stiff I am" so I got up and passed out on top of Leon. When everyone came to, Leon was gone to pick up his new ride and the rest of us cleaned up what was left of his house, well, only the small stuff. We needed more resources to start on the bigger things so those were left for later. I started my dangerous pilgrimage to my house and passed out until it was time push Tai out of Poinciana Street and as sad as the rest of the day was, it felt like everything he said were things you would say if you were moving on, and even though he is, it made me think about how stationary I was. To be honest, it felt like I was being left behind, I don't mean it in a sad way, it's more like a "huh.." kinda way.

I got to ride in Bunta's and Taikumi's (LOL SEE WHAT I DID THUR?!) Subaru back and forth, moving the rest of the stuff from Poinciana to Yerongpan and my very little knowledge of moving shit around actually came to be of some use but it wasn't as efficient as it could've been, it's a team effort after all, not pointing out names or anything.... Flynn hahaha. Taikumi drove us to our respective houses and that was that. I can't help but look at his old house when I drive by, the gates are closed and nobody is home, kinda eerie.

I don't think I could've made my Sunday any better. It was my day off but I knew if I were to stay home, I'd do fuck all so having this distraction was a really satisfying feeling, just being around people you haven't seen in ages is rewarding enough, even if you were drenched in sweat half the time. Went to do cardio and abs while catching up with a few gym peeps, watched "That 70's Show" and chilled with Dante and Izzy, t'was an awesome Sunday.

Homecoming - Kanye West & Chris Martin

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