Wednesday 26 March 2014

Lion's den.

"Stop staring at me, Kevin. Your face is scary."
- Beau Ensor, I love how blunt this dude is.

Nothing seemed to go right today. Everyone was having a shitty day, the customers were extra cunty today, the boss left for Thailand out of the fucking blue and left his second in command and the rest of us to deal with the shit he arranged and left behind, I got to work late so that left an impression on the acting-boss and it was raining on and off all day. There are very little things that can lighten up the mood of such a terrible day, it didn't help that there were a lot of things that were added on late minute which changed everything the acting boss had planned. Didn't get home til 5:30 and leaving the office while the sun had already set was a strange sight to behold, everyone looked like they had been bitten by zombies but they were so tired, they didn't give a fuck and continued to do what they had to do as they were slowing mutating into lifeless creatures. Work can be a depressing place sometimes.

I ate KFC today lolololol. Yeah, this fasting thing isn't working anymore, it used to though, but those were the days when I didn't have to wake up on hell's hour and do things. The longer I have to wait, the higher the chance I will cave. Izzy came over with KFC and I just caved, man, I caved so damn hard but you have to understand; it doesn't matter if you're a boxer who is at their weight limit, it doesn't matter if you're a body builder who is minutes away from a posing competition, shit, it doesn't even matter if you're a vegetarian since birth; when you're offered free KFC, you say "thank you" and take that shit. Listen to me trying to justify myself :L my will power just gave out and that's all there is to it, guess I'll just have to find an alternative method to get to 65kg by May.

Lion's Den - Jhameel

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