Friday 28 March 2014

All I really need.

"If you boys don't get your act together, I'm going to call the store and complain!"
- a really, really cunty cunt
"Go ahead."
- Stevie Reynolds, one of the more "badass" moments he had, it made my nipples hard.

Was a wet day, not one of those good wet days either, well, for me and Stevie anyway. Got paired up with Stevie who had been in the warehouse since 6am, how he manages to keep a calm composure for the rest of the day baffles even me. Everything was dreary, wet, dark and beautiful. If it were anyone else, I would think they would've gone with the flow and kept to themselves all day, except for Stevie. According to everyone else, I'm an exception, apparently, I'm a robot that knows not of personal boundaries (when it comes to myself) and you must be able to endure hours of singing, yelling and awkward staring to put up with me, not too long ago, they thought I was Mr. Goody-two-shoes and now, I'm the town idiot.

I only remember one particular moment from today, there was a customer, the rain had just let up, only for a moment, enough for the customer to get out of the house and admire the fridge she was supposed to get. I told her it was impossible to get the fridge into the house safely without removing the front door knob and that even if we could get it up to the door in the first place. The rain had left the tiled 30 step flight of stairs slippery and for her to think that we could get a 200kg fridge without you know, slipping and dying is insane. She would tell us things like "These are graded non-slip tiles!" even though she took crazy caution going up and down or blame it on our strength as a team, "I'm not confident we can get the fridge up the stairs safely, ma'am" Stevie would say, "Well go get someone who is!" she replied as she closed the door on us. Guess she lacked something really important, like a brain or common sense or something, it was like she was asking me to poop on her lawn while giving her a rude-finger drive by, that was a very disturbing image to picture, even for me, and that was just one of the drops.

Stevie managed to keep a smile and he even gave me an invitation to his engagement party on the 3rd of May. I don't work to make friends, in fact, I don't like making friends period, there's nothing more scarier than risking a douchebag into your life and then telling that douchebag that he/she is indeed a douchebag and then having to deal with all of their douchebag friends and family just because you told a douchebag he/she is a douchebag, doesn't seem worth it to me but at work, it just happens. It'd impossible not to form some sort of bond when you've been delivering all sorts of household appliances and furniture all around Brisbane. Ooooooh oooh ho ho, a white engagement party, I wonder what one of those are like.

All I Really Need - Vindata & Kenzie May

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