Monday 24 March 2014


"Lookin' good, bro!"
- Hoc Vu, a compliment amongst compliments from a man amongst men

Another day off. I never know what to do at times like this, the feeling of doing nothing these days have me feeling a little restless so I just find random shit to do. I don't feel like doing fuck all on Sundays, having 2 days in a row off is a little much, even for me. I just went out, got a haircut and then went on a hunt for food and coffee and as usual, I ended up at YazKabab and Zaraffas :L

Jack popped up out of the blue and asked me to come and hit a few balls at the driving range down at Corinda with Matt Dwyer, Adrian Bowman and Hoc Vu and needless to say, I flew out the door and into Betty. I haven't seen Adrian since Hong's birthday and I don't even remember how long ago that was. It felt good to catch up with those guys again. I think the longer I stay away from them, the enjoyable the moment will be when we do meet, which is odd when you look at the social definition of  "friends". We didn't talk about much now that I think about it, it was mostly about they've been doing. I could sum up my last 3 years with "I work, go home, eat and then sleep." and then it's on to the next guy. Matt and Jack have been doing fuck all, Adrian is in the gaming development industry and Hoc owns a bike, that's all I picked up in the short time we were at Corinda but short and sweet is just as good as long and arduous when it comes to friends/family.

Drove to Darra and ate Pho there and then to Maccas for some soft serve ice cream, it'd be nice to share these simple moments with people but I'm afraid they won't find it as satisfying as I do, it's these small things that make everything worth it. It was a good day.

Striated - Ashton Love

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