Sunday 9 March 2014

Drop the poptart.

"I don't think it's normal to be sleeping that much."
- Dante Le, waking me up for the third time.

Man, today was dope. I slept like a baby til 4pm, there were instances where I would wake up before that but only to brush my teeth, go to the toilet or check what is in the fridge but other than that, slept til I couldn't sleep anymore. There's nothing like knowing you've done your fill of work and then resting with peaceful mind. The curtains made my room seem as if it was late evening so I unknowingly snuck in a few extra hours so I think I was out for about 16 hours of the day and what a day it was.

There's nothing I can really say since I wasn't conscious for most of the day, when I was awake, it was in the company of MegaLats then Dante and Izzy. I haven't been to the gym the last 3 or so days because of my period toe, I was never one to risk hurting it further so I'd much rather stop altogether to let it heal but because Dante fed me a shit load of pain killers, the pain has been killed thus continuing my quest to be in shape in order to survive a zombie apocalypse, thank you, Dante.

Drop The Poptart - Deadmau5

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