Wednesday 12 March 2014

Only for you.

"I'm scared, what do I do?"
Jacqueline Tieu, asking me what to do when she got handed a page-long written note in the gym.

On a normal day, I would have to get to work by 8am, this was not one of those days. Steve called me at 6:30am and asked if I could get to work at 7am that morning, this job really is unpredictable, I bet you I blew him away when I rocked up looking fresh as fuck 30 minutes later. Spent the day with Brad so that meant I had to bring my iPod and that meant a really long trip and that meant going to the coast. I reached that stage where I would no longer be needed to be mentored or reminded how to do so and so, it's good but at the same time, it's scary. Brad told me when we started that he'd keep his mouth shut and leave everything but the driving to me and I got excited and saw it as a challenge, and it was but the more times I did it, the more times I doubted myself. "did I remind them of the CODs" or "Did I tell them everything they needed to know?" those thoughts would constantly be on my mind and work became 10 times more mentally exhausting than it initially was. Brad, the fucker wouldn't even tell me how I was doing until we finished so that didn't help but he reported to Steve that I did good which made me collapse to my knees in relief. "What's wrong Kevy?" he would ask. "Go fuck yourself, Brad." I replied. It was a good day.

Work is more tiring than I gave it credit for. I've been skipping gym more and more often due to passing out the moment I home. There's no way this could continue so I looked at a picture of Dana Linn Bailey and got my ass to the gym, and I'm so glad I did. I exchanged looks with Jacqueline, a chick I spoke to once or twice in high school and made small talk which was dope, I'm more amazed with the fact that she remembered me. Kiet and Jeremy showed up shortly after, I haven't seen either of those guys since Christmas so catching up with them was nice. Kiet got his motorcycle license and Jeremy is still a weirdo. That was about all I could gather from out brief reunion but it was enough, there's plenty of time to catch up and I think I'd like to be overwhelmed with details the next time I see them, the next time I see anyone, really.

Only For You (Maor Levi Remix) - Mat Zo & Rachel K Collier

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