Tuesday 4 March 2014


"Oh 9/11 ? Biggie Smalls did that."
- Wes, I laughed so damn hard when he said that with complete seriousness on his face.

There are people who are strictly business. Work isn't meant to be fun but people take the chance when they see it but there are also people who keep that working face on at all times and there's something there that deserves respect. I was paired up with a bloke name Brad and he is just that. He didn't crack a joke, a laugh, shit, not even a smile the entire time I was with him and just for that, he gets quite a lot of shit from people. Can you imagine being hated for doing your job? I suppose there isn't a need to be a hardass but then again, there also isn't a need to not be one either. This dude took his job seriously and being with the guy was educational, it's a shame no one else thought the same though, kinda makes me think twice about people but even at work, I can't help but form opinions of those around me. Co-workers are unique in terms of relationship, you're not quite friends but you're not quite strangers, you depend on each other yet you're not family and they're people that will be around you for a majority of the day, they bitch about each other to no end but because of that relationship, they keep a face they don't want to. Breaking it down like this is depressing, guess I'll just sleep it off and forget about the whole thing tomorrow, that's how it usually works for me anyway.

Today was a good day, wasn't as fun as the others but that's only because fun is a privilege, I shouldn't be upset just because I didn't have a little fun, sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't but the shit that happens when people don't is ri-fucking-diculous.

I found out that I'm not as massive as I thought :( turns out, it was just the lighting at mumsies' house that made me think I was bigger than I actually was so now I am quite sad :L Dat lighting doe.

Drive - MOOG & Erin Renee

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