Tuesday 18 March 2014

Lost in thought.

"Don't you speak to me in that tone, young man!"
- Josh/Bob, I just call him Bosch now.

Woke up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. Had a fuck tonne of sleep the night before so it was awesome to be up and revved for a day on the road. Bosch came back from his holiday leave and what a day did he decide to come back, it was hot as ballszzzz. I didn't even realize he left until he came back, I had just assumed he played hooky all this time since that is the kind of impression you get from him. Inalabred. Fate would have it, I was paired up with him and so we got up to all sorts of shenanigans since he's the one I'm most similar to. We convinced customers that we were father and son and got into family disputes, we lived off of the look of confusion we got from others and pissed ourselves laughing the moment we got back into the truck, it's especially funny since he's white. There're are all sorts of things you can do to make the day better, people like to complain about how boring their day is but they don't make an effort to improve it, it's like they secretly get pleasure from a shit day because it gives them something to complain to others about, those are the kinds of people I would like to avoid, it's strange because all of them make the majority that walk the Earth.

Went home, tried to poop and sniffed a pie, I could taste hunger and smell desperation.

Lost In Thought - KOAN Sound

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