Friday 7 March 2014

Adore you.

"We gotta help each other out when we can, life isn't so hard that way."
- Random carpenter, asked him to move his ute for us to finish the delivery.

Dude, some angel from Heaven came down to Poinciana Street and fixed that fuckin' pothole. You've no idea the joy I have at the moment. I'm positive I speak for all of Poinciana Street when I say that person who filled up that pothole is a god. There was no nearby construction going on at all so that can only mean that someone felt the need to get some cement and make concrete and that meant finding out the gravel/powder ratio of the road to make it stable and consistent enough for traffic, as a dude who has done construction for a good year or two, this makes me giddy to know that there's someone like that on this street. I don't think you guys understand, if today was raining caramel and chocolate, the highlight of my day would still be this filled pothole. Bless your soul, lone hero of Poinciana. You are acknowledged. 

Day was spent being Beau Ensor's off-sider, which was something I enjoyed, I enjoy being with anyone who's not a complete asshole. No matter how simple the day seems, there's always a catch, something I learnt when I started working here. There's always one or two orders that require an immense amount of patience and/or effort so walking into the warehouse, looking at your list and thinking "oh, this will be piss-easy" is always the wrong approach, that being said though, today was a good day. At least I didn't drop anything on my foot today, so I got that going for me which is nice. 

Adore You (Cedric Gervais Remix) - Miley Cyrus

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