Friday 21 March 2014

I don't want to be in love.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again; you need to get out more, Kevin. You got some issues."
- Troy/God Reynolds, this is more like it.

The white guys are starting to catch on, I'm a fucking weirdo compared to these guys, but this is good, we're getting somewhere. I spent my day with God and we had a pretty smooth day, other than those 2 190kg fridges we had to get up stairs, it was pretty good. Oh and while I'm at it; if you're gonna buy something and get it delivered to your house, for the love of all that is good; please make sure the thing you bought can actually fit inside your house. I can't tell you the amount of times we've busted our balls getting something to a place it can never go to, if it weren't for the faces of defeat and embarrassment on the customers face when they realize it's not going to work, they'd be dead, because we killed them, because I killed them. That's the downside of going everywhere, you get to see all the stupid people in the area and by god, these people make me look like the brightest knife in the crayon box.

Got home and napped for a solid 3 hours. Even if I get a good amount of sleep the night before, I still pass out if I lay in one spot for too long, it's probably the mental drain in knowing I did such and such and deserve stuff and fluff and as much as I do want to stay conscious and do stuff, I can't :(

Hoa called me, his motorbike broke down on Blunder Road and asked me if I could pick his ass up, so I spent my evening listening to bike talk while driving back and forth from Blunder Road to my house so he could apply a temporary fix to his bike. He was on his way to Tony's, too, he wanted to surprise everyone on his bike but that unfortunately didn't go the way he planned, in fact, it went the exact opposite way he planned, poor bloke. It was a long night but it wasn't a bad one. Fluttering around here and there on occasion is quite nice, I think knowing that it won't happen everyday adds a little bit of excitement for when it does happen, I don't think I've worded my sense of spontaneity better than they previous sentence.

Dance Floor Anthem (I Don't Want To Be In Love) - Good Charlotte

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