Thursday 20 March 2014

Like it's her birthday.

"No fucking way.."
- Kevin Le

I saw one of the coolest things I've ever seen today. Stevie and I were doing our morning runs and on the way to the coast, there was a line of ducklings being led by an adult duck across the road. We stopped and watched this line of ducks cross the rod for a good minute, holding up traffic, Stevie acted as if they happened every hour of his life but when I saw this, I flipped my shit. I had never seen this before, I've seen it in movies and shit but I never thought these kind of things actually happen and I can easily say; that that one sight right there, made my fucking day. Ducks are so cute.

I'm starting to think I'm seeing too much in too little time, like life wasn't meant to be taken this fast, me being in a vehicle for most of the day doesn't help, I can't imagine what other things these guys have seen. They saw the duck crossing more of a nuisance than a miracle and I guess that's only natural but to see them in such a way must've meant they've seen a fuck load of ducks. Guess it what it really boils down to is how much of what I see am I paying attention to.

Got home and just put on some tunes as I slowly dozed off. I like this simple lifestyle but surely, this can't be all there is. I will eventually pay attention to those things I've missed but still, there's got to be something out there I want to do before I hit that stage of mid-adulthood. I don't mind if this is all it is but people make life to be so big that I guess I raised my hopes, whether or not they will stay up is something I'm just gonna find out.

Like It's Her Birthday - Good Charlotte 

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