Friday 14 March 2014


"Oh god, it's Kevin."
- Stevie Reynolds, Troy/God's older brother.

Spent the day working with Stevie, my other mentor. I think it was my second day of work that I was grouped up with Stevie and Craig, he had seemed like the quiet guy but he's just like you or me, just needed a little warming up to is all. Before I knew it, we were singing songs on the radio and laughing at really stupid things, mostly at brand names like "Dixie Cummings" or buildings with giant words like "CockRam" shit like that always makes the day go by faster.

I don't think we did much, then again, there's nothing you can do when you're in a truck for most of the day. We talked about things I can no longer remember while doing deliveries for some very, very wealthy people. You wouldn't believe some of places we deliver for but it shouldn't really surprise me. I mean, if you can afford to shop at Harvey Norman, then you can afford most things because nigga, that joint is pricey as balls.

I can bench my own weight! Being 89 last Christmas wasn't looking too good for me but now that I'm around 70-73kg, I can do shit I never thought I could do before. That was always a milestone for most people, you know, to bench your own weight, when I heard Kiet could bench 100kg, I was dumbfounded, I still am, actually. It's good to have living goals close by at all times, I don't think I will be losing any motivatin anytime soon. I'm probably the last dude to have hit this mark, it's not impressive at all when so many people have already reached and went beyond this point a long time ago but nigga, better late than never.

Was just about to head out to the gym when Tai texted me to see if I wanted to bum at his place since it was gonna be one of his last days there. There're plenty of chances to gym, wish I could say the same with family so we bummed and played Street Fighter til 10 while catching up since I haven't seen the bastard since Christmas. As far as I could tell, nothing had really changed, they still talk to each other on a daily basis online and still give each other shit while playing an insane amount of games so it was relieving to know that none of them are dead and that they're still doing their things.

Lightning - Cash Cash & John Rzeznik

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