Thursday 27 March 2014

Through the fire and flames.

"Hah! She's only got 16 friends, what a loser!"
- Dante Le, looking at Mumsies' Facebook page. I damn near pissed myself from that.

Woke up, made to work on time today but was still bombarded with shit like "you made it by the skin of your balls, mate, no, wait, you made by the skin of the hair on your balls" and I was like, 10 minutes early :L but after awhile, I learnt that there are things people say just to get you a little moody, like a bait of some sort, they don't mean it but at the same time, they don't know how diverse the reactions to those remarks can be. If it weren't for the dude before me, I would've ran the risk of being fired just because I took the bait. When someone gives you shit, just take it, aye, a lesson you can take something from because people can be completely off their fucking rocker.

Spent the day with Yoshi, the boss' son in law, that's not his real name by the way, his name is Josh Cross but because of the over-abundance of Josh's in the place, "Joshi" just stuck which then turned into "Yoshi", which is a fucking cool name for someone that looks like a pot head. He was one of those "we're here to do this, so we're gonna do it and go home" kind of person, at least, that's what he came across as, maybe it was because he was in a bit of a bad mood, the fact that he didn't like doof doof didn't help either.

Went home and watched "Tangled" can you believe it's been 4 years since that movie was released ? I'm so behind when it comes to movies. Because of Tangled, I have a sudden urge to watch Brave and Frozen, kinda makes me glad to not have watched all these movies before.

Through The Fire And Flames - Dragonforce

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