Tuesday 11 March 2014


"You ever heard the phrase: "Don't take money from strangers."?"
- Kevin Le
- Troy Reynolds.

Today was strange, everyone was pretty on-edge and it seemed like nothing was gonna take the awkwardness out of the air. I remember sitting in one spot for ages waiting to be told to do something but for some reason, something was holding us up and we couldn't get to work, something to do with a late cargo or rather. I got dragged by God (Troy) to do some delivery runs in hopes to get away from the uncomfortable atmosphere and we did. I said some really dumb jokes and that seemed to lift the mood a little and after that, it was smooth sailing, can't say the same for the guys we left behind though...

I received my first tip today! God and I had a delivery for some really nice old ladies and once we were done installing her washing machine, she handed us both $20 notes. It was so strange, Troy took it without a second thought but I literally stood there for a good minute wondering what I should do. My circumstances were telling me "take the fucker" but my gut was all like "hmmm, I don't know, man." I couldn't call Andy because he was at school so I just went with my gut. I waited for the old lady to turn around and I left the note under a jar of jam (typical) and I still have no idea if they know or not. I told God what I did and he told me I might've offended them, as if I pitied them and it blew my mind because I never thought of it that way. There's a lot to life and society that I don't even bother to keep up with it anymore. I probably offended the shit out of those old ladies and wouldn't have a clue, they're probably placing a voodoo curse on me and watching me through a crystal ball at this very moment just because I couldn't take money from people I don't know. But it's strange how your morals and priorities can change when you're working, tips are a bonus instead of "just a strangers money" and I guess I just need a little time for me to start thinking that way but as for right now, I think I'll do whatever feels right. Fuck those old ladies, nah, I kid, dey coo'.

My Facebook hiatus didn't last very long, I got home and wanted my daily dose of food porn and the easiest way to do that was through Facebook, plus, there were events and such I wanted to be updated with so deactivated that thing wasn't such a bright idea. So much for that little spiel about social networking :L Never really know what I lost until it's gone. I hope my toe heals up real soon. 

Dilemma - Nelly & Kelly Rowland

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