Monday 31 March 2014

Patience gets us no where

"Going to work on your day off isn't as bad as you think."
- Stevie Reynolds.

Monday would usually be my day off but since the boss fucked off somewhere, that leaves the company with a limited number of hands. I was called in by Tony, our second in command. I can tell he feels terrible for it, too, they just can't seem to understand that even if I were at home, I wouldn't be doing anything important anyway :L besides, work is pretty fun, well maybe not fun rather, enjoying. Everyone else tells me the same thing: "You get to be out and about, not being cooped up in a warehouse or office is this job's best quality, everything else, you just put with, especially those fucking customers." and not even a month in, I can already understand what they mean.

It was unusually busy today, so Stevie and I both came in on our days off and completely smashed whatever it was we had to do. There're very little feelings out there that can top your swag level when you've just done something you weren't meant to do but did it anyway because you're a cool guy, makes it even better when there's someone with you who has also done because then, you can be all like "remember the time when we did that thing so hard, people came and watched as we did it?" and then he'd be like "yeah, that was cool." and then you walk to your car in slow-motion with someone's sunglasses you picked up from the office and took it home just because of how appropriate it felt. Today was a good day.

Watched "The Red Dragon" which is the third movie of the "Hannibal" series. After watching this, I've come to the conclusion that Hannibal is just a really, bored asshole who loves fucking with people since there's literally nothing else he could've done in that cell, and I like that, despite being bat-shit insane.

Patience Gets Us No Where (Napoleon Remix) - Capital Cities

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