Monday 3 March 2014


"You wanna have a pube-off?"
- Josh/Bob, we were somehow on the subject of genitals which then led to a needlessly graphic conversation about who had more pubes, was funny as fuck.

Usually, I'd take Monday off but staying home and dying wasn't in my best interest after what happened last week, so I asked if I could come in on Monday and they happily obliged. Spent the day again with Josh/Bob and together, we shattered the record for unloading an entire cargo at 19 minutes, I don't know what it was before but it sure does sound impressive. Warehousing and packing for tomorrow's delivery was all we did, most of it was just sitting about waiting for the next truck, hahaha, the shit we get paid for, man, you have no idea.

Gave away all my Nintendo 64 games to Troy, a mate from work. Must've been about $1200 worth of games, it's not that it was a lot of games but the value of Nintendo 64 cartridges have gone up recently, they've pretty much become a collectible at this point, found out "Super Smash Brothers" alone is worth well over $160 and I gave that away and then some to a dude I barely know. I remember being told the idea of a "random act of kindness" and the concept was too intriguing to ignore and I guess this can count as my random act of kindness. The idea is to sparka chain reaction and trigger some sort of spontaneity to the recipient with hopes that he/she will do the same for another. Even though I could've made a pretty penny from those games, I'd rather not sell them, it'd be like trading in your memories for money, I'd much rather give it some dude who still plays those kinda things, regardless of who he/she is.

Bro, I looked in the mirror at mumsies' house and I have to say, I'm humongous. Like, massive, even I think I'm on roids. Not to toot my own horn but goddamn, I'm sexy, got a long way to go though but I'm pretty proud of my progress. THINGS ARE LOOKING EVEN HIGHER THAN THEY ORIGINALLY WERE!

Dragonfly - Dash Berlin & Carita La Nina

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