Saturday 1 March 2014

Losing my amarok.

"It takes a lot to piss me off. I mean, you'd either have to do something really bad, or take my food."
- Josh/Bob, two peas in a pod, man.

Woke up early, man, sucked balls. Saturdays are 6am starts which means I got to get my ass up at 5-5:30 and just saying those words make me tired. I knew I won't be able to wake up that early so I downloaded an alarm software for my laptop the night before. My laptop is hooked up to some fairly decent speakers and holy shit, I fucking shat myself the morning after. Can you imagine setting it to play the drop from "Spaceman" on full blast first thing in the morning? it's fucking insane but that is the consequence of having a job like this I suppose, at least it gets me up, nothing quite like an adrenaline rush with your heart beating at 180 bpm trying to find the mouse because you hid it the night before. I'm an asshole, even to myself.

I pushed Betty harder than I've ever pushed her today, must've went over 7krpm trying to catch up with Josh/Bob's supra, passed him eventually and found out I can use my sunroof to flip him off as I went home so that was nice. There really isn't a point to that sunroof. I could understand it if it were closer to the back of of the car but having it where it is now is basically asking for a crotch in the driver's face if you were to use the sunroof society's way. What's the point of having a sunroof if you're not allowed to poke your upper body through it and be a dick? 

Did an 11 hour shift with Josh/Bob and other than my body giving out in the last few hours, it was a pretty good day. We talked about the business's history and family while going places and dropping off a lot of stuff and even though I was completely knackered the moment we finished, it didn't stop me from doing what I had to do. I can't sit still anymore, sitting still was the one thing I thought I would always do when given the chance but I guess after doing it for so long, there's a certain guilt about it. Sunday is a day off so I wonder what I'll be doing then, hopefully, I'll be sitting still, I still love that shit.

Losing My Amarok - White Panda

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