Sunday 2 March 2014


"Get up, Kevin! We're going to woolies!"
- Dante Le, I never thought I'd see the day that there'd actually be something in my fridge.

I must've been more tired than I thought I was yesterday, I'm pretty sure I passed out for like, 15 hours in total today. They warned me about how taxing this job is but it doesn't really hit you until you go home. I felt like I could take on the world when I'm at work but the moment I go home, shower and put on some music, there is nothing I'd rather be doing than sleep but I suppose that shit is normal. There are people who have been with the company for years and do the exact same thing.

Dante put me on a diet-thingy and goddamn, if I were to keep this up, I'd be broke beyond repair. I don't think I'll ever get into the "eat healthy" fad, despite how beneficial it is, it's like $30 a day, fuck that. Fuck that and everything remotely related to that. Was pretty cool to see something in the fridge though, so that was nice. 

Went to Alex's house to pick up a bunch Nintendo 64 games I had left there years ago, from our good ol' year 9-10 days. Didn't actually see him though, he was sleeping and as much as I wanted to hang around, I left him to his slumber and got home to see Denne and Squishy bumming in my room. As stupid and asshole-ish as this sounds; I completely forgot that I had friends, it's been so long since I've seen them that I just went about my day as if they were never there so it was a good surprise to see them, even if it was just for a brief moment or two. We didn't do much though, talked about what we've been up to and then they had to go someone up or something, I don't know, wasn't paying much attention.

My day off comprised of eating, sleeping, driving, sleeping and eating, like how every day off should be. 


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