Sunday 23 March 2014

Have a nice day.

"Yeap, fuck it, imma get meself a fucking Colt."
- Kevin Le.

I've been thinking about it a lot over the last few months, ever since I saw my first rallyart Colt parked right next to me at the gym parking lot. "Hahaha, that hatchback's got a hood scoop, that's so cute." and then that turned into "Have I ever told you I wanted a colt?" a question I would ask all my work mates every time a colt would drive by, "yes, yes you have" they would say. It's kinda dumb to have two cars, especially since I have Betty and after a long time of logical thinking, I've come to the conclusion that I want a Mitsubishi RallyArt Colt and though it's inefficient, fuck it, because Colt. Colt Colt Coltty Colt Colt Colt Colt Colt. Colt. Look at how fucking cute it is. 

Spent the day chilling with T.D, we napped while music played in the background in my room, I, on the bed and he, on the couch. He must've been dead tired because we passed out for a solid 3 hours in the middle of the day. I had visitors, something that hasn't happened in years, albiet, it wasn't long. Hoa bummed and brought his mate, Denne and Squishy came by for a wee bit and of course, T.D. Can't remember the last time I had a visit like that, I actually don't know why it was a thing in the first place, there's fuck all to do here but I guess it was the freedom or knowing there isn't any authority where I live but I think one of the reasons why no one comes around anymore is because they've figured out it's better to be where authority is.

Did I ever tell you guys I wanted a Colt? One day.

Have A Nice Day - World Order

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