Thursday 1 May 2014

The last waltz.

"You know exactly what I'm taking about, you little shit. Fucking then leaving."
- Pete, when I asked him to enlighten me when he said "Women are only good for one thing."

I love working with Pete. Most of the time, he lets me listen and sing my music but for the times when he does talk, he drops some serious knowledge, man, most of which has to do with relationships. Something along the lines of "if you've made it to 50 without kids or a girlfriend; you've done well." but this is usually said after I tell him I never had (and don't intend to have) a girlfriend before which makes me think he only says those things to make me feel better but then again, he's not the type to care about what other people thinks of him, afterall; he did flop out his dick and pee in a bottle in front of me today. My life would be 400% complete if I could only give half the amount of fucks he does. Goddamn. 

I usually hate myself for staying up as late as I do. I should be in bed at around 10 to not feel and look like a zombie to those who look after me and my family but it's not so bad every now and then when you live in Inala. I used to think it's very unlikely that someone would break and enter my house out of all these houses, they never touched my house for all those years I was living by myself but for some odd reason, the crime rate in Inala has shot up recently and my house was no exception. There was a noise in the kitchen which is linked to the back door, I heard it and ran out. The silhouette of a man in a jacket dashing towards the fence and into the yard of a neighboring house. I noticed the security key was missing, this security key works for the front and the back door so the fact that it was missing means it was stolen, and the fact that they stole it means that they have every intention of coming back. I ran outside looking for this fucker but only to be confronted by the house across confirming that there was indeed a douchebag patrolling the house for a few minutes before deciding to make his move. Dante drove around the block in hopes of catching the pee-hole fister but to no avail. I couldn't sleep til 5, I had hoped he would come back so that we could jumped the blue waffle but he never did so now there isn't a moment of rest which is ironic, seeing as though home should be the safest place of all. I'll try to keep leaving the house to a minimal.

The Last Waltz - Jo Yeong-wook

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