Saturday 31 May 2014

Devil may cry.

"Take a seat, Kevin!"
- MyVy Ngo Ha, she must've said that a dozen times at least.

Rocked up pretending to be an aeroplane and pretty much forced everyone at work to question my sanity because even I can't think of anyone who would do what I did this morning. I spent my Saturday morning with Beau and what a day it was, things went vury smoothly and we talked about a whole bunch of things but fuck me, I can't remember any of them, oh well, I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me writing them down on an online diary-thing anyway, shame that the only thing stopping me is my ability to remember things, or lack thereof. We got home early, as we normally would on a Saturday which left me to go find something to do until it was time to eat. Yayyy.

It's not often that I think about others, as selfish as that may sound but hey, I am a selfish dude, I think we all need to be but coming home at 3pm with no one there and nothing to do had me wondering about everyone else, the people I acknowledge, the people who I once were very fond of and who I saw and talked to on a basis (I woudn't call it a frequent or a regular basis so I'll just leave it at "basis") I went to Leon's house to find that he wasn't there so I took that time to bitch about him to his siblings, we had some laughs and then I went to Kiet's house to also find that he wasn't there so I took that time to bitch about him to his siblings and parents. Apparently, Kiet, Leon and a few others went somewhere to do things to which I thought "fair enough, but now what?"

I ended up at MyVy's house and bummed there until she had things to do which wasn't until well into the evening. I felt bad for taking up a majority of her free time, I know she's too nice to tell me to fuck off so I kinda laid there, on her property like a dead bumblebee. We talked about my stupid lyric-texts and what little knowledge I had about cars since we were cleaning Jazzy much to her dismay and she even took Salli for a little drive, like, literally a little drive, like, I'm talking about 10 meters here and she let me do the same with Jazzy. It was an evening well-spent if I do say so myself, I don't have many people I can call a friend but for those who are, there's really something special there, maybe I should make an effort to keep these relationships instead of mindlessly working and sleeping and sleeping and working. Yeah, I'll probably end up doing this more often. If there's one thing I learnt from Hong, It's that Krispy Kremes make an excellent "oi, I'm at the front of your house, let me the fuck in" gift. Hope you enjoyed your donuts, MyVy!

Picked Kiet up so he could clean Andy's computer, he told me about what he and other guys were up to today as he handed my my color run gear. He told me they decided on my house as the location to meet, if I hadn't of asked, I doubt they would've told me as well :L other than my cardio sessions, I don't think I've ran this much since Cross Country.

Devil May Cry - The Weeknd

Friday 30 May 2014

Souls together.

"Haven't had Kevy in a while, I'll go for him."

Here's a tip; if your boss ever goes "if you could rock up around 6am to 6:30am, that would be awesome" what it actually means is "please rock up at 6, bro, we be in some deep shit, yo." I only figured out yesterday when I rocked up at 6 to find an entire loaded cargo right in front of our warehouse, so, being the boss I am, the moment I saw this, I sprinted in and unloaded the container like a fucking hero, giving enough time for the boss to take a breather. Doing this though, put me in the position to rock up again at 6 today to unload not one but two big ass containers and when I was done with that, I was put on a run. Feeling physically drained has a certain euphoria to it, almost like it's your body's way of saying "well done, mate, you did the thingy" and it's something I wish I found out earlier, I think high school would've became so much more fun had I been more... physically able.

Got in the truck with Pete and off we went, another coast run, not complaining, I don't have the right to, there's always something nice to look at when I go to the coast, something about sitting in one spot for an hour and a half first thing in the morning while the world passes you really tickles my nipples. It's always a long day when I go with Pete. I can't believe he's 50 and yet the dude does this job with limited effort, I swear, if you saw this dude in person, you would instantly assume he would snap in half just by looking at him but nope, this dude picks up lounges like they were arthritis; naturally and it's truly a sight to behold.

Got back at the warehouse at 6:30pm and clocked in yet another 12 hour day and did my celebration dance until everyone felt it to be too embarrassing to breathe the same air I was and just left. Big Brad and Jeff went on holidays starting today and took off with a "see you boys later!" White guys are really into weird things :L Big Brad used his holiday pay to go to a 50's and 60's convention where everyone dresses up as Elvis Presley and Jeff went on some random ass cruise with god only knows.

Gymming was out of the question, what with color run being a couple of days from now which is just enough time for the DOMs to kick in and getting ready for color run would only leave my ass sore for the actual event so all there was for me to do was sit here and eat KFC, I don't think I will do well but shit, I'll give it as much as I can and hopefully, I won't disappoint myself.

Souls Together - Fabich, Ferdinand Webber & Dinnerdate

Thursday 29 May 2014

Tell me.

"We're running a little late but lets keep it at our usual pace, rushing is the start of all mistakes."
- Big Brad, that was probably the most inspirational thing he's ever said to me.

Did today's Gold Coast run with Big Brad today, it's been ages since I've last worked with that dude, I think the Steve has been grouping me with the more inexperienced people in hopes that I might show them a thing a two but unfortunately for him, I know fuck all and I thought I've made that clear enough but apparently not, I am a mentor to those who are unfamiliar with our line of work but little do the pupils know, that I too, need mentoring. Sleeping in the truck is something I do often and I challenged myself to stay awake for the entire day and just barely managed to do that, it doesn't help when your partner for the day isn't much of a talker so the cabin with filled with god-awful noises which would be my singing, Brad didn't seem to mind though, not that I know, I was too busy belting out all these songs that would even make Jesus cry.

It hasn't entirely registered that I'm turning 20 this year. I was in the truck when I noticed a pretty school girl, and I looked at her like any other guy would (I imagine) and Brad caught me. "That's so wrong" he remarked, I thought nothing of it until like, 30 minutes later. I still don't think it's wrong but I suppose it must be if that's the reaction I'm going to get from now on. Holy shit, I'm 20, I guess it's not the fact that I'm just a few years older than she was but the fact that she was under-aged that made it so offensive. I'm not under 18 anymore but I feel like I left the womb like, 20 minutes ago. So much shit happens so fast, regardless on how well I shield myself from them. I'm 20, man, that's insane. I can't even check out high school girls anymore, I used to do that as often as I took breathe but doing that shit now could lead me to jail, it's insane when you think about it like that. 

Tell Me - Lost Frequencies & Chesqua

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Hold on to your love.

- Johnny, when he got cut-off.

Worked with a new face today, I don't think I've ever seen him before but apparently, he's seen me around, which can't be that surprising, you won't be able to find another 4ft, community-entitled "town idiot" asian dude for miles. He never drove the truck before so that was a little concerning, we had some confusing ass drops, too, the likes of which I never had done before. Usually, I would be given a list of houses or units I'm suppose to go to to drop off the things those people have bought but today, they gave me a list of warehouses which are as hard to find as it is to get parking in Sunnybank and holy shit, did we have a doozy of a day. I don't think I've been so mentally alert for so long in my life. This dude was making wrong turns left, right and centre, costing us about an entire hour of just detours among other shit like peeing in front of people's houses and pretty much doing as he pleases. He told me he wasn't staying for long and I'm sad to say that I'm kinda glad, it's a terrible thing to wish of someone but he's the most unsuited person for this job I've ever met. I felt so bad for my performance today and I'll have to find a way to make it up to Steve later. Didn't realise how much heavier the work load can get when you're doing jobs for two people. He wasn't all bad I suppose, no one is.

Got home, did a little cardio session and then rewarded myself with some KFC :L talk about time wasting, at least, that's what I thought it was. I remember when I first started gym in high school, there was like a 2-3 year period of  "I don't know what the fuck I am doing" and in that period, Dante would often take me out to eat fast food after a session of me thinking I've done something but really, I did nothing. He told me how important it was eat and how not eating doesn't mean you'll lose weight and gain muscle. I leant so much from a person who I was convinced was retarded but when it comes to bodybuilding, fighting and fitness, Dante is your go-to guy, he could talk your ears off and actually sound intelligent.

I need another hobby.

Hold On To Your Love - Andrew Rayel & Cindy Alma

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Anywhere for you.

"My best friend is dating my sister."
- Troy/God. lol, I thought that shit only happened in movies.

Got paired up with God today, it's been so long since I last worked with that dude. I was convinced that I was never going to see those guys again since they've taken a liking to me at the Browns Plains department. The boss really does just does it as he goes a long :L one day, I'm with a 50 year old dude who takes things seriously and the next, I'll be with a 20 year old dude making dick jokes until it's time to go home.

This whole time, when Beau was talking about his girlfriend, he was talking about Troy's sister and whenever Troy was talking about his sister, he was talking about Beau's girlfriend, that blew my mind to find out they were the same people. It makes you wonder how something like that could even happen. When boys are aware of this type of situation, they'd usually jump the gun and say it's "forbidden" or some stupid shit like that but damn, bro, if everyone is all good then nothing is wrong, at least, that's how I saw it, I guess they saw it like that as well. There should be a level of comfort to know that your sister is dating one of your mates, at least then you'd know what she's getting herself into. Hahaha, what a strange relationship.

Was reminded that I'm involved with the color run happening in a couple of days so I figured it would be best to lay off gym for awhile. There aren't many things worse than running when your body is already aching or while injured, not many people can understand that though. I guess I like to play it more safe than others, which is so strange since most people would look at me and make the assumption that I'm, uhhh, I guess "thoughtless" would be the best way to describe it, and I suppose I am but shit, even I know when too much is too much. So what do I do now that my only hobby has been temporarily taken away from me ? lots of eating, lots of lyric-texting and lots of bumming in Dante's room.

Anywhere for you (Tiesto, Dzeko & Torres Remix) - John Martin

Monday 26 May 2014

Left behinds.

"I'm fucked, bro."
- Dante Le.

Looks like Dante picked up another hobby. He's given bodybuilding a rest and focusing on boxing, looks like training takes quite a bit out of him but I guess it's all good if he's enjoying himself, I wish I could say the same to mumsies though. I remember when I told her Dante was in the MMA ring in his debut fight last year, she broke down in tears right then and there. No mother wants to hear that her son is getting hurt and hurting others, sounds hard to be a mother, I would talk him out of it but even I know that that would be a waste of effort, that nigga is like a rock when he gets into something, at least I thought so, he's surprisingly indecisive when you get to know him so maybe this phase will end faster than I think, either way though, mumsie's sure has it tough.

I started and finished an entire anime today, holy shit, I don't think there're many other things that could make you feel like such a sack of wrinkly, old dicks than watching an entire anime in one sitting. Black Lagoon was the name of the anime, I had it on my hard drive for years and it was only today, that I allowed my boredom to outweigh my interests which led me to such an unproductive day. But, like most animes, I learnt some valuable lessons by the end of it, it's a shame I don't remember any of it now even though I watched the last episode like, 40 minutes ago.

I'm well rested and keen for one busy ass motherfucking week, imma make the world my bitch.

Left Behinds - Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee

Sunday 25 May 2014


"Hey Dante, how was work?"
- Kevin Le

"Fuck up."
- Dante Le

Ah, good old Sundays. Even though I had two days off the day before yesterday, I'm relishing the hell out of this :L Nothing actually happens on days like this, I just find some random shit to do until it's time to eat and then I go to sleep. The day consisted of naps, mostly. I really wish I could type more but shit nigga, that was all I did today and it was fucking awesome.

Reincarnation - Jacoo

Saturday 24 May 2014

Home again.

"I'm starting to think you're lying about Salli."
- Troy, Beau and Stevie, A.K.A, The Gatton Boys.

Saturdays mean early ass starts and early ass starts call for an energetic Kevin Le. It's obvious why there aren't too many people who are keen in the morning, all the more reason for there to be one, a pattern has started to emerge, everyone seems to brighten up a little when there's a dude who's keen to get shit done in the room, this is evident when it becomes a little more lively, conversation happens, jokes are fired and laughs are had, I plan to keep this up for a long time and today was no exception. Got paired up with Stevie for the first time in a long time. We had a little tradition that has slowly died since it was rare for us to be in the same truck, at the end of a run, we would hop into maccas and see how many soft serve cones each of us could eat, he has the current record of 5, I don't know why I put that here, I guess it's something I would like to remember when I get the time to re-read all of this. 

Times are changing, man. Mumsies and Bobby has internet now and I've been seeing more and more smartphones appear here and there at their house. I never question since it seems fishy but they've managed to set up Facebook accounts and all of the sudden, it's selfieville in yololand. They've been at it for the last few weeks actually but all of this posing and clicking n' shit has gotten to me, man. It's stupid I'm getting worked up over this, there're family overseas that want to know how we're doing, it's just a shame that the only way they can be bothered to quench their concerns is through countless selfies. I should probably get around to teach them how to use Skype, god knows Andy won't do it, guess I'll do it on my day off. My frustration aside though, these selfies are pretty golden though :L

Home Again - Sizzlebird

Friday 23 May 2014

Frivolous life.

"I owe you one."
- Kimmy Truong. She does, she won't do it though.

Got today off, too. Weird, guess there really is nothing on these days. I don't think it's because I don't like doing nothing, I love doing nothing, I just don't think I deserve to do nothing, not just yet anyway so when I get days off, I feel immensely guilty, like I should be doing something and knowing that I'm not, makes me feel like a waste of space and that's never a good feeling. Woke up and let Dante know exactly how unproductive I will be which prompted a well-deserve "Fuck you." and then did what I could do.

Dozed my day away with some coffee and microwavable meals, whilst listening to QI, a quiz show I often watch when I feel like learning something inapplicable to everyday life which is most of the time these days. Woke up from my nap and did what I could at the gym, ate din din at mumsies and then went home where I continued to wonder about what I could do for the rest of the night. I'm not quite sure why but Kimmy hit me up on Facebook, asking me for Jeremy's number and when she couldn't get a hold of him, she asked me to take her to the Valley. I couldn't say I was busy because then I would be lying and a drive didn't sound so bad at the time so I went to pick her up and off we went. I don't think I've ever spoken to Kimmy in high school, it's strange how normal it felt even though I hadn't heard height not hair from her in so many years (lol, like 4-5, really) We caught up what little there was to catch up on, there isn't really much to say when it comes to how've I been or what I've been up to, it's been the same for as long as I could remember, she on the other hand, had loads to say, and I'm more of a listener than a talker, nothing exciting happens to me simply because I don't allow them to. She filled me in on her relationship status and why she wanted to go out to the Valley in the first place, she also let me know what happened to her and Tan after high school and told me her life-story because we had a good hour to kill before her friends could meet up with her.

I thought about a lot of things tonight, like why Jeremy was meant to take her out instead of me, or why Kimmy felt so comfortable asking someone she never spoken to to do something for her, even wondered if this was going to be a constant thing but that all didn't last long. Never really was the type to care about things that didn't concern me. The drive home was nice though, nothing quite like an empty highway in the rain whilst some slow jams are playing. I think today has become a kinda productive day without my knowing.

Frivolous Life (Vlad Lucan Remix) - YesYou & Marcus Azon

Thursday 22 May 2014

Sad machine.

"Check out what I shit out, Kevin!"
- Izzy, as she pulled out a Zinger burger. I'm ashamed to admit, I was kinda excited even before she pulled out the burger.

At home, all day, they mentioned something about a "budget" and this "budget" is preventing people from buying shit, so that prevents us from delivering the shit they were meant to buy and because of this, I was told to stay home because there was fuck all on. It feels strange to stay home on a Thursday but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. It was convenient though, there were a mountain of things I had to do that I've been putting off simply because there's no time for it. Went to a few appointments and spent the rest of the day working with mumsies at good ol' Skylark Street.

Being there for a significant amount of time after so long left second impressions. There are people who spend their days there whom I have known my entire life, all of the sudden, these kids who I used to dislike are all in high school now, they weren't bitchy, annoying or even slightly resembled the people they were; the people I thought they were. I was holding decent conversations with little Kim from Tran's snack bar and we talked about the people who have come and gone from Skylark, Savanna, Erica, everyone. All those times I fell, got bullied, spat on and laughed at, made interesting conversations and now, I suppose that's all they'll ever be.

Chilled with Andy and Alanna whilst minding the registernator and got reminded about the dangerous environment that is constantly around this area. People are just itching for a scrap and there are ill-willed children at every corner. Andy got cursed at just for wearing a Corinda uniform on multiple occasions, once by a tomboy and again by me but man, people can can be so shallow. I also locked Andy in the shop freezer, that was funny.

Sad Machine - Porter Robinson

Wednesday 21 May 2014


"We're going to Gympie!"
- Big Brad

"Where the fuck is Gympie?"
- Kevin Le

Completed my first, legitimate 12 hour day today! feel quite proud, didn't even have that many drops but the fact that so many of them were out of the way, it wasn't a bad effort. Spent the entire day with Big Brad doing the coast run and didn't get back to the warehouse til 7pm and didn't get home til 8 but when I got home, man, there was a sight to behold.

Dante and Izzy broke up a few days ago, hence Dante's little fit of depression, I didn't want to mention anything on here since word gets around faster than I can say "Bob's your uncle" but when I got home, I saw Izzy's car parked at my spot and I automatically knew what was going on. Got in the house and sure enough, they were back together. It doesn't seem bad to type it now, knowing that they're together again, not that I even care but it's always nice to look at a post with a good amount written in it, even though most of it holds no relevance to me or you but look! lots and lots of words! words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

Found out that I might be the only one catching up with Tia but knowing Dante, it might not even happen. I can't blame him for bailing and leaving the rest to me, suddenly getting back with Izzy has left him limited yet again which to me, isn't good for the faint sense of freedom that is ever so apparent when not in a relationship but hey, that's just me. People like Dante need to remain in a relationship, there seems to be a aura of security when you're in one of those. Men, in particular, find purpose in being relied on, and even though that's a very sexist way of seeing things, sadly, it's true. I don't know anyone that despises relationships more than I but I pounce at the opportunity to do something for someone else just because I can. Strange how that works.

Side - Easy D

Tuesday 20 May 2014


"I used to care what people thought, but now I care more."
- Donald Glover/Childish Gambino, in his dope song "3005"

Woke up and got paired off with Yoshi, things were going pretty well until we realized the trolley was no longer on our truck, it wouldn't have been a problem, too if our truck wasn't loaded to the brim with fridges. When things don't go as planned, Yoshi gets mad and when he gets mad, that nigga gets mad, I don't think I've feared for my life as much as I did today at work. He was saying "fuck" more than 3 times every sentence. How odd that the only time we crucially needed the trolley, it wouldn't be on our truck, god likes to work in mysterious ways.

Heard from Dante that we might be having a little catch up session with one of his exs, her name is pronounced Ti-ah but she spells it differently every time I've met her. I think she was number 25 or 26, he sure goes around a lot. Out of all of the partners Dante has had, Tia was the one I made the mistake of bonding with the most, I don't regret it because she behaves and reacts like one of us, I only call it a mistake simply because it's never a good move to bond with your brother's girlfriend, for obvious reason and if they aren't obvious enough, I'm sure I'll touch up on this another time.

Got back into the groove of things and started doing to light shoulder workouts to ease in what I was doing before I stopped to let my body catch up. I was an idiot to think that getting to 65 would be the end of my body building days. I lost mass in all the wrong places and came to the conclusion that the only way I can achieve my idea of an ideal body, is to get lean at 75-80kg, and since I'm too stingy to take any form of supplements, this process is going to take fucking years, but hey, it gives me something productive to do on my time off, which is something I'm grateful for, makes me wonder though; the fuck do I do after I'm done with this little hobby of mine?

Phantasie - Kource

Monday 19 May 2014


".. GO TO WORK!"
- Dante Le, when he heard my phone ring in the morning, that bastard fucking called it, too.

Woke up early just so I can tell Dante how much work I wasn't going to do today as he got ready for work. Dante doesn't like work and just because of that, it feels so good when he does and I don't, in fact, I make it a point to tell him how good it feels to me. I take in pleasure from other's misfortune, like everyone else, I imagine. I would ask him pointless things like "what are your plans for today?" and when he'd tell me to fuck off, I'd follow up with "oh yeah? sounds fun! guess what I'm up to while you do that?" and repeat that sequence of questions half a dozen more times as I try to get him fired. It was going all well and good for a while, who needed drugs when you could give the shits to your own brother ? it was as if liquid euphoria covered my body with each "fuck up, Kevin." I heard but when my phone rang in the midst of this trade of smirks and insults, the tables turn and boy, did they turn hard. It was Steve, my boss called to see if I was able to work, of course I'm not going to decline but with Dante listening so eagerly to my conversation, it sure was tempting. Imagine the sense of defeat I felt when I had to say "Yeah, I'm free to come into work today" in a perky voice right after all the shit I talked while Dante laughs his ass off in the background. I said nothing, aye. I just picked up my keys and left, I didn't even have pants on but luckily for me, there was a pair in Betty I prepared earlier, that was how bad I didn't want to be in Dante's presence.

Got paired up with Troy/God today, it's been so long since I worked with that dude, kinda missed him. We had a decent amount of deliveries and as we drove by Rosemary Street, I told him about the house I used to live in that was across the road from Kiet's and down the road from MyVy's. I reminisced for a while and when I looked down to the paperwork, I noticed that our next delivery was to the house I was talking about not 20 minutes ago. It was exactly how I remembered it, minus the 3 black dudes that were living there, we had to get a fridge up stairs and while we were carrying this 120kg behemoth, I couldn't help but look around. What a blast from the past, man. I probably shed some tears as we got back in the truck.

On the way home, Jeff took me to a burger joint at Wacol and I completely demolished their so called "monster burger" It shocked the hell out of Jeff but it was probably the same as eating a pizza and a bit, I thought everyone could do that but apparently not. I love that feeling of proving someone wrong, I swear, I could live off it.

Something happened today, something significant, I haven't seen Dante so depressed in such a long time, so, to rid himself of his depression, he took me to the gym and we worked on Back and Bis. Whoda thunk that the motivation I was looking for yesterday would pop up today, disguised as an unfortunate event that doesn't really affect me. I won't say what it is in respect for the people involved but I will touch up on this another time, when it isn't as sensitive a topic as it is now. Gym only granted a brief respite for Dante, when we got home, that dude was in shambles. It's depressing to see him (or anyone) like this.

Banshee - Lush & Simon

Sunday 18 May 2014

Stolen dance.

- Dante, seems like he's finally getting serious.

Day off, nyakah! so I'm just bumming here with nothing in particular in my mind. Didn't sleep til 4am, after taking Tony, Teddy, Denne, Squishy and Brandan home, I went for a little drive til I inevitably got lost, having a GPS really helps in times like that but there's a feeling of excitement when you know you could be fucked for a long ass time. The streets are so nice when they're empty and layered in rain like they were, like driving on a giant marble sculpture. Been sleeping, a lot, like, heaps, there's a lot I would do but I just don't want to spend money in order to do them. It's not like I don't have money, it's just that in my mind, the less I spend now, the faster I can pay shit off, it's a damn shame that not only do I refrain from going outside and do things that would be healthy for me like talk to people and such but I don't even know what I'm investing most of the money I make in to. It's a little odd to me that this is all my efforts have amounted to, I don't even know if what I'm doing is even doing anything but at the same time, I'm too afraid to ask. There must be some point in pouring moneys in mumsies' pockets but even if there isn't, that isn't too bad. Working is a joy and I get to spend the rest of my time to myself in peace or at the occasional event like yesterday.

Me taking a good week or two off gym to let my finger, wrist and elbow heal has also given time to let the rest of my body develop. Going gym everyday of 8 months stunted my muscle growth for a long time and this past week, the changes my body went through are insane, enough to notice. I guess what I'm trying to say is BRO, I'M FUCKING HUGE. But not doing what I've been doing for the shits and giggles for so long has made me start to miss it. Once you stop, it's very hard to pick up the motivation to start again so I guess I'm just biding my time til I happen upon it again, let's just hope it isn't too far.

Stolen Dance - Milky Chance

Saturday 17 May 2014

Murder on the dance floor.

"It's gonna be the best breakfast you've ever had!"
- A very, very drunk Hong Nguyen

Got paired up with Little Brad again, was meant to work with either Beau/Bro or Stevie but got specifically chosen for some reason. It amazes me why he would go out of his way to bring me along when I fucked up yesterday, I guess he knows it was a one-off thing and he wants to make sure it stays like that which is awfully nice of him, at least, that's what I like to think. Found out Little Brad is Joel Turner's cousin, he and his other cousins started a group called "Joel Turner and the Modern Day Poets" Joel would often drop beats at Little Brad's house and get up to things you and I would get up to on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Got home and went to bed, going through the day at a high pace takes it out of you, either that, or it was the lack of sleep I've been getting as of late. I crashed and I crashed hard, woke up 2 hours late for Hong's birthday party got bombarded with messages as I made my way to her crib. The delightful greetings were just what I needed to snap me out of my drowsy state. I'm glad I went, remembered a lot of awesome things I let slip my mind the last time I saw all those guys, things like the wonders of conversation and company, the fact that I can play a little piano and what music can do to you if played at the right level :L I didn't drink, nor did I intend to but it was hard to resist the urge to be in the same zone as everyone else. I knew there were going to be a few stranded souls by the time everything finished so drinking was out of the question. I know how much family matters and cares and the damages a little stress can cause so I took me and a few others home despite the warm invitation to stay the night. I didn't decline to insult her, I just didn't accept because I didn't want to insult me. That breakfast would've been nice doe. 

Should've taken a picture like I did last year :L would've been mad to have a little something something to keep on here, oh well. Happy Birthday, Hong. You're a mad hostess, wouldcomeagain/10

Murder On The Dance Floor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Friday 16 May 2014

Love at first sight.

"Holy shit, that went real dark, real quick."
- Kevin Le, after hearing what Hassan had to say.

There's this new dude that started working with us not too long ago, goes by the name of "Hassan" and I got to know this guy after awhile by using my unusual methods of inappropriate advances, shit like staring at them whilst doing commando rolls towards them and shit, anything that comes to my mind as I look at them pretty much, anyway, I had to unload a cargo filled to the brim with custom-made lounges made overseas and the moment I pulled out the last couch, he'd tell in great detail how his people illegally got shipped from Pakistan to Europe. Apparently, the cargo container we were in, resembled a typical shipping container filled with determined parents when he went through the toughest time of his life. It frightened me for a number of reasons; one, he told me this out of fucking no where, like totally out of the blue, it was 7 in the morning and I wasn't even expecting a "hello" let alone a fucking story about how people had to pay $4000 for a CHANCE to survive through a shipment for them and their legacy, 2, he showed me how morbid it was and how insanely hot it'd be for 3 weeks and lastly, after I listened to what he had to say, my morning was ruined, holy shit, that went real dark, real quick.

So, after being traumatized by a dude who can barely speak any English, I got paired up with Little Brad, someone who I've never worked with before. I heard a lot about this dude, about how indecent he is, all he talks about is weed and fishing but for some reason, I didn't see any of that today. He gave me useful tips, small things I can do to suck up to the higher-ups. He mentioned something about leaving the company soon and he would feel better about himself if he left some good knowledge to someone who would actually listen other than those who feel it is appropriate to do what they wish. I feel bad for not getting to know him better, he seems like the type of dude who tries to have fun at work and I suppose he does but even people like that have a respectable level sensibility.

Fucked up as an off-sider, it wasn't as bad as it could've been but we lost about 40 minutes due to my careless mistake. I got comforted by Little Brad and we went about our day, other than that little mishap, it was pretty cruisy.

I look weird at 68, guess it's time to work on those abs ==' oh how I dreaded this moment. I haven't done a shred of abs ever since I started gym, oh man, this is going to hurt so damn bad BUT MAN, CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW SEXY I'LL LOOK?! BETTER LOOK OUT, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, KEVIN IS GOING TO BE READY FO' YO ASS.

Love At First Sight - Kylie Minogue

Thursday 15 May 2014


"Good job, mate! Good blowjob!"
- Yoshi, when we drove past a guy using a leafblower.

Learnt a lot today, nothing useful, just noticed things I never noticed before. "It's good to be mad for the right reasons." was something that also stuck, aside from the quote of the day. I got to work with Yoshi again, this time it was more... interactive I guess. People figure him out to be the lazy type, a person who makes an effort to avoid work but the way I see it, he just doesn't want to do something that has no merit to anyone, he doesn't want to do something for no reason is what I think I'm trying to get across. He would get mad when we get add-ons to our truck but then he'd say "Why? we're not making money, if anything, we're losing money." which is the right way to look at it when you're working for someone else. Because of this, he doesn't have much face at work, he doesn't care either but still, what a shame. He is easily one of the best workers there by far. He taught me the working mind-set, it's almost like a life lesson every time you get to talk to him but it's gonna take quite a bit to get anything out of that dude. I would always get asked how was my day with Yoshi and I'd always say "good" and they'd never believe me, it was good and I'd gladly work with him again.

Got home late, showered and here I am. Not going to the gym so I think I'm going to crash. I've been passing out straight after work quite frequently these days, makes me wonder how I kept up my previous lifestyle before I got injured, guess I don't know how tired I really am until I touch the bed. Even though I've stopped gym for a bit, it looks and feels like my body is getting bigger, like, not in a fat way either, wonder what is up with that, oh well, I'm not complaining :L if doing nothing is gonna make me look good naked then shit, imma do that shit all day.

Complicated - Avril Lavigne

Wednesday 14 May 2014

A thousand miles.

- Yoshi, when we got down to our last delivery, I don't think I've seen him so happy :L

Got paired up with Yoshi, it's been awhile since I've last worked with that dude. We get along pretty well, you know, crack the sexual joke when the chance presents itself, sing along to old school songs on 96.5 and scream at the GPS together, stuff like that.

Hmm, I wouldn't call it an obsession, it's more of a time waster than anything. I don't know what to do with myself if I didn't have an interest as strong as this one. I work to get everything right and happy, the time I set aside for myself goes into gym, there's something about improving and preparing your very being that excites me as well as the competitive atmosphere I get when I'm there. If I didn't have this, there's no telling what I'd be doing to kill time, I don't go out of my way to do it, it's more like I do it because there's nothing else to do, at least, that's what I thought. I'm gonna start again next Tuesday, I can't stand coming home from work just to sit there and wait for work again, my days off are the worst and I need something to do because not doing anything makes me feel immense guilt. Speed never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you. Maybe it's just a phase, I hope it is. I would love to love doing nothing again.

A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Daddy dj.

"If one day; Kevin didn't enter the warehouse dancing and smiling, that is when I'll be concerned."
- Tony and Steve.

Worked with Pete and we done what we always did; our job, and we did it how we always do; perfectly, well, that's what I recall but I always try to see what I want to see instead of what was actually there. We were headbanging to songs we've never heard of before whilst throwing all of our offensive vocabulary in a single sentence, it's incredable to see a 50-year old work with suck vigor let along do that and get along with an asian that's less than half his age. I'll be honest, when I first met him, I kinda expected it to be like Gran Torino where he would be Clint Eastwood and I'll be that asian kid that can't act for shit but we're like the best of the best, at least, that's what we like to tell ourselves. Work is getting more and more uneventful as the weeks go by, maybe my standard of what "eventful" is, is becoming too grand but the same shit happens everyday with the minor tweaks that get put in by the boss. I would walk into the warehouse at 6am with a dance or a creepy expression or say something that will start a discussion, like whether or not I'm retarded, and that will last until we have to go on our rounds, which is all good, I'd much rather that than a quiet, morbid atmosphere where you could cut the tension with a breathe.

Gym still ain't happening, I wonder why my left wrist right index finger and now my right elbow hurt when I stress them. I make it a point to not go anywhere I'm not needed so I can avoid injuries like this. I can see myself becoming smaller, too, not a good sight to behold when you know there could've been some serious gains happening but I guess these things aren't so bad once in awhile. I've been spending most of my free time in the gym everyday for the last 8 months or so so it's no surprise that I'm in the condition I'm in. Guess I'll just find something else to do when I get home from work until this pain fucks off.

Daddy DJ - Daddy DJ

Monday 12 May 2014


"$400 ?! I know people who would do that and suck your dick for a pack of smokes."
- Teddy, Dante's friend, whom we decided to spend the morning with.

I had every intention of sleeping in and then waking up contemplating my existence as I make noodles naked but Dante had other plans. He woke me up early morning (by "early" I'm talking like, anytime before 12) and asked me if I was keen for japanese food and even though I was barely conscious, I said yes and by the time I was aware of the shit that was happening around me, I woke up in Salli in the Sunnybank parking lot. Dante had set time aside to catch up with an old mate from training that goes by the name of Teddy. Apparently Dante's meeting Teddy Tolentino a few months back, had made him think of the Teddy he knows. We dined at where Kadoya used to be and then bought some more food to eat at the bakery that opened up recently and then went to get more food at that frozen yogurt place that Mande works at, she wasn't there though, shame that. We then topped off breakfast with Sakuraya, thinking back now, that was a lot of food. This Teddy reminds me of a friend I used to work with, he looks the same and even has the same sense of humor, I wonder how Ghilay has been these days, I would catch up with him but judging from his Facebook, I'd say he has more than enough shit on his plate.

I was pretty amazed at how Dante caught up with his friends, even more amazed at the fact that he asked me to come along. He's changed a lot over the past couple of years. I'd get snippets of his thoughts about that period but never really held a conversation about it. We're around each other a lot but we don't talk about those kind of things simply because it's unpleasant, we will if we have to but no one would needlessly want to be reminded of a time when things just weren't working out. I could honestly say that when I was in primary school and early high school, my relationship with Dante was non-existent. Remembering it now, it was like he was never there and when he was, I wished he wasn't. I don't know why he's so easy to get along with now but at the same time, I don't want to question it, and I think that's how it should be. Who knows; there might've been a reason, there might've not been a reason, I'll find out one day and when I do, nothing is going to change. I like it that way. I like it this way.

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

Sunday 11 May 2014

Angel of mine.

- Dante and Kevin Le, on a bro-date.

I had a surprising amount of shit to do today, I even had a little list I made in my head. You know you have to get shit done but not in a major hurry if you made a list in your fucking head. The main objective was to buy presents for Oscar, Hong, Dante, Mumsies and Andy since Dante's birthday was on the 9th, it's Mother's day and Andy wants his present now because the moron spilled tea all over his keyboard. Why does that happen to everyone ? I swear he's like the 5th person, I'm not saying it happens all the time but it happens more than anyone would like to admit. I shouted Dante pho as a late birthday gift since it seems a little arrogant to take him out on his actual birthday, I'm sure he had other shit to do and I suppose he did, I don't think I saw him all day on the 9th. Dante needed a mp3 player so this was the perfect chance for me to get shit done. We went to JB Hi-Fi, Supercheap, The Good Guys and Officeworks to do a little necessity shopping, stuff like Betty's brake lights, gifts and nifty little gadgets we found on the way but when I got home, I, for the life of me, didn't know how to wrap gifts. I took this chance to catch up with someone and gave old mate MyVy a holla but that nigga was busy as, she refered me to Mande and in like, 5 minutes, she was at my place teaching me how to wrap presents. Today has been a productive Sunday. Thank you Mande, I owe you one.

Dante and I hired a professional car detailer and decided to get Mumsies' car detailed. We forked out $200 each to get the paint repaired, polished, waxed, interior washed and shampoo-ed and we're kinda excited since this dude details supercars for a living. Only the best for Mumsies' though, right? It'd be nice not to worry over things like birthdays, anniversaries and stuff like that but it's be a bad move not to, since these people aren't around as often as they used to be. It's best to be on good terms with everyone without making yourself go the extra mile and even if you do, it's not worth it. Wish we could all just be real, but we're not.

Angel Of Mine - Monica

Friday 9 May 2014

Truely, madly, deeply.

"Hahahahaha, you guys are so fucked."
- Everyone

When the boss decides on the groups for the runs every work day, they usually comprise of a bunch of two-man teams but because some fuckhead ordered 5 bunkbeds all going up stairs for a grand total of 35 pieces; each piece weighing in at a whooping 60-70kg, Steve got me working with both Jeff and Stevie in hopes that I can be the little push the team needed. The last time I was in an all day three-man cell was my very first day working, it was with Beau/Bro and Troy/God, that was a fun day, oh the memories. 

Needless to say, we smashed all of those pieces and went about our day as if it never happened. There's something about being with another 2 people that make the day so fun. We were talking and watching YouTube videos on smartphones and laughing at eachother's terrible jokes so much that I honestly forgot why we were out there in the first place. When they were like "The next drop should be around here somewhere" I was like "lel, wot r u tkin abt?@" and when I remembered I was in the middle work, I don't know why but I just pissed myself laughing, I couldn't even explain why I was laughing but it must've been contagious because by the time I opened my eyes, everyone was laughing, that poor person waiting outside for his shit must've been so confused. Ah, brings a tear to my eye every time :L

Hasn't sunk in that it's Saturday today. I always get surprised when I customer says "Have a good weekend" right as we're about to leave for the next drop, this would happen almost every drop, too. Work just seems so fun so that when a luxury like a weekend sneaks right around the corner, it just doesn't feel real.

I don't talk to Oscar, we've never had a one-on-one with each other and even if we did, it wasn't much, I would've remembered otherwise but for some reason, he invited me to go out and eat for his birthday. I declined at first but when he mentioned his birthday, my priorities changed dramatically. There's something about birthdays that people hold dear, it's just another day to me but for people to spend hours of effort relentlessly, it must mean that it's significant and who am I to deny the efforts of others? I hit below the 70kg mark awhile ago but it seems that after tonight, I hit above the 80kg mark because nigga, I can't remember the last time I had yumcha. I don't talk to those guys and the fact that they want to keep in touch makes me feel, well, touched. It was a good night, talked to a bunch of people I don't usually talk to anymore and as far as I was concerned, no one had changed, well, dramatically changed. I drove Teddy home and that was the end of that. Your birthday is tomorrow; I know but still, Happy Birthday, Oscar. Thanks for keeping me in mind, even if it was like, an hour before the actual event and even if I wasn't, thanks anyway, you da niggest.

Truely, Madly, Deeply - Savage Garden

Save tonight.

- Yoshi, when I woke up in the truck and we were in the middle of the road.

I don't think I've wtf'ed harder than I did today. I was catching up on some sleep and I woke up because I felt this deep gaze on me, you know how you just have the feeling that someone is watching you and it makes you uncomfortable to a degree? yeah, it was that, that all went away when I realized it was Yoshi that was staring into my soul but when he looked at me and asked me for a pie and a coke, I couldn't help but laugh. It eventually made sense when I looked to my left and found a trailer attached to a ute selling pies and coke. It was a lot to take in 30 seconds after opening my eyes but hey, at least I got to witness someone buy pies and cokes whilst still being in the middle of the road, something you don't see everyday, I'm sure.

When I get bored in the truck, like if I'm on my way to New South Wales or some shit, I would often take my phone out and just text random people the lyrics to a song I'm listening to at that very moment. I did this occasionally and was about to do it again until I realized how many of the songs I listen to revolve around love and relationships. I don't think it sits well with people to read lyrics of a love song first thing in the afternoon. For a long time, I thought nothing of it but when I read back to the texts I've sent, I honestly fear myself. I spent the whole day thinking about whether or not I should text people shit that makes me sound like a clingly, hopeful cynic that's hanging on to a thread, I thought about it a lot but then I wondered why I even cared and proceeded to do so anyway. I don't like leaving myself to my own thoughts, it makes me more aware of what I'm like and that's like, the last thing I want to be aware of. If I ever find myself in the position where I own a smartphone, these lyric-texts is going to happen so much more frequently, I feel sorry for the people in my contact list, all 12 of them. I'M POPULAR HUEHEUHEUHEUE

Save Tonight - Eagle-Eye Cherry

Thursday 8 May 2014

You get what you give.

- Dante and Kevin Le :D

Was told to be Yoshi's off-sider, turns out, his nick-name isn't even Yoshi, it was "Joshi" and I was hearing it wrong, still doesn't change nothing :L I'm still gonna call him Yoshi, it's stuck to me now and no one can tell the difference since they sound so similar so morally, I win. Yoshi is like dead set in the middle of Pete and Jeff. He's all business and fun, well, that's the kind of vibe I get from him, it could be just because he can't be fucked. He's the type that is into motorcross, surfing and cars, he slurs his speech every time he opens his mouth, even his yawns don't sound right, not that I'm complaining, if anything, I'm glad to have worked with him even though it doesn't happen very often. I feel the more I work with different people, the better my adaptability becomes and that is a very valuable attribute to have in this line of work, in any line of work to be honest and hot damn, these people are as different as silk is to cheese.

Pretty cruisy day, no overly heavy lifting which was a blessing, don't think I could do much with my botched-ass wrist and so I got to go home without feeling as bad as I look. Decided I'm gonna give gym a good rest until I can move my wrist freely without wanting to chop my arms off. I never realized it til now but having your own, little special time that you can use on yourself feels depressing when you don't do anything with it. I used to go to the gym as if it were a ritual, a tradition, even but now that I have a reason not to go, those hours I set aside for myself seem pointless, obsolete and even sad. I need something to do, I don't want to be one of those people who are so often portrayed as guys who work and then stay home and basically wait for tomorrow to come, just so they can do the same thing over and over again. I at least like to have a bit of variety when it comes to life. Guess I'll get my wrist and finger checked up, I'd be so gutted if this was a permanent thing, it shouldn't be, all I did was sleep on it weirdly :L

Cruised around in Salli and it was madddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd I GOT A COLT HEHEHEHEHEHE

You Get What You Give - New Radicals

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Ms jackson.

- Dante Le, with the biggest smirk on his face.

Worked with Jeff today. The transition from listening to music all day to actively talking about whatever comes to mind during work is hard to get used to. I think that if I talk, I'm distracting the driver and that possibly puts my life in danger and I don't want that, I think. Jeff is totally different from Pete though; we were doing a delivery up at Mt Nebo (people actually live up there) and about half way up, I dozed off for a bit and in this short time I gave my consciousness a rest, he thought it'd be funny to scream "FUCKKK!" and slam the breaks on a mountain pass, and it was but quite frankly, I was way too hungry to even fear for my life, in fact, the thought that crossed my mind as I realized what was going on was "today is not my day" but that was before Jeff bursted out in laughter at my reaction, or lack thereof. Pete wouldn't even think of doing that but I guess I'd prefer being scared for my life than watch a 50 year old dude pull his cock out and start urinating in a bottle he was just drinking from. Actually, they're not that different now that I think about it.

I don't think I've seen Dante so happy :L I got home to a RalliArt Colt in my drive way thinking "no fucking way" and sure enough, inside of that turbocharged hatchback goodness was a very happy Dante. He told me it was like falling in love for the first time again or kinda like that time he bought his first car, I can't fully understand either of those emotions since I've been around Betty way before I owned him and I never really understood girls and at this point, I don't think I want to but man, it's a lot bigger than I imagined. I had this preconceived idea that it was a adorable, little hatchback that makes choo choo noises but the way it is now, it's bigger than Betty. I have a feeling Dante has big plans for Salli (yeah, I call it Salli now) since he seems to get like that when he gets passionate about something but I suppose anyone would, he just takes it to a whole new level. I like to think I'm a mild version of Dante, which is pretty bad since there aren't many people who can handle me so it's gonna suck balls when they meet that dude.

 Hmmmm, wrist is still fucked, this sucks.

Ms. Jackson - OutKast

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Man of the year.

"I specifically asked for you, Kev, so you better get your shit together."
- Pete, he said as he noticed I couldn't find my own elbow in the morning

"What you see is what you get, honey. Take it or leave it."
- Kevin, when I found my own elbow

My wrist is fucked, man. Woke up with my left wrist feeling all weird and the moment I went to pick up a couch, a sharp pain shot all throughout my hand. I don't have the balls to tell anyone though, I know the moment people knew, it would somehow reach the ears of Steve and Tony and I'll be sent home before I know it. I feel bad since it'll be pushing more work onto my partner but at the same time, if I were at home, I'd just spend the day talking shit about myself for not doing what I should be doing.

Apparently, I'm apart of the "A-Team" as Pete would like to word it. I've been his off-sider a lot as of late and we've always been praised for our work efficiency and would constantly leave a positive impression on the higher-ups with how fast we get shit done and since Pete gets to enjoy silence and I get to enjoy doof doof, as far as I was concerned, everybody wins! and today was no exception.

I got home and let me tell you; I don't think I've felt so tired in my entire life. I don't know what it is but something is draining me recently. I can barely keep my eyes open as I type this and it's not even 8pm. I think I'm going to have to give gym a miss today, I probably wouldn't be able to do anything judging by the condition of my wrist so going to bed is probably the best move right about now. Goodnight, Imma dream of living the dream.

Man Of The Year - ScHoolboy Q

Monday 5 May 2014


"Yeap, we're getting a Colt."
- Dante Le, holy shit, it's really happening.

Day off again, not much happened, not much ever does. It's strange how little happened over the course of 24 hours, there isn't much you could do and even if there was, not much of it would be worth recalling, so, I spent it bumming about, looking for a Colt to adopt into the family and doing what I always do; nothing.

I talk to people at the gym a lot more now. I usually have my earphones in so talking to people would be the last thing on my mind in those short 2-3 hours but when I do take them off to say "hi" to a familiar face or say "bye" to a fulfilled one, there's a short window where people would intervene and introduce themselves as a sign of camaraderie, it doesn't happen often but when it does, it's the best feeling in the world, not because of the new relationship you've built without realizing but the things they say regarding your progress from their standpoint. There's no one else in the world that could tell you how much you've changed better than the people who know nothing about you, it's like having information you can trust whole-heartedly and keep with you forever knowing that what you've been told is the absolute truth because you know they have no reason not to. 

My days off have been even less eventful than they originally were. I used to spent my evenings at Mumsies' place and gamble until I'm out a few dollars but since this stupid fasting thing started, I've been going there less and less often. She always finds a way to put something large into my stomach and since I'm so weak-willed, I fall into this temptation and leave a few kilos heavier than my high school days :L I feel bad for rejecting her every invitation and I hope she and I can hold out til the end of the month. To be honest, I don't think this 65kg thing is gonna work out as well as last time, too many things have changed from them til now, all of which has affected my living habits. Niggas gon' nig.

Fade (Vocal Edit) - Wild Culture & Lucia

Sunday 4 May 2014


"I got a new car!"
- Jacqueline Tieu. That damn nigga.

Nothing really happened today, well, as far as I can recall anyway. Oh, aside from the whole EvoVIII thing but I'll get to that shit later.

Ugh, it's all such a blur now that I have to recall it. Didn't really do anything but chill, look for music and prepped my meal for the day but I suppose it's to be expected on a day off. There's just so much you can do but so little you'd devote yourself to. It was cold as balls though, I'm not used to wearing clothes but I popped on a long sleeved hoodie, some shorts and a vest, a fucking vest of all things, a few years ago, you couldn't catch me in a vest even if I was dead but I just threw that shit on and drove to Zaraffa's where I met Nataliee for the first time since Randy's. We had a few exchanged before she handed me my white chocolate mocha. It's never a good idea to prolong conversation when someone is on the payroll, even I could tell you that, so I went outside, in the blistering cold, it was nice though, a nice, hot beverage, an iPod and a chair and table to sit on and just watch stuff, must've kept that up for a good 20 minutes before I decided to leave. Nataliee rejected my offer to take her home, she had the right idea. I always seem to do that, offering people lifts home and feeling confused when I get in my room and then everything just clicks, nigga, I'm creepy as fuck.

Bumped into Jacqueline in the gym and did legs together. She goes hard, aye. I don't think I've seen a girl go that heavy for that many reps before. Too many people are idealistic, doing too little and expecting too much but she is probably one of the few I've met who has a better grasp and knowledge of what they're doing and know what they're trying to achieve, which is more than what I can say for myself. After she was done, I saw her off because she told me she now owns a immaculate conditioned championship white Mitsubishi Evolution VIII which was like, everyone's dream car at one point. Getting to see one and hear one up close is an unforgettable experience, even if it was accompanied by the constant boasting pushed into my face but with a car like that, there's not a person in the world that wouldn't. For $17,000 she did mighty well. I could've gotten an evo, damnit, oh well, I don't think I could've formed an emotional bond with any other car than Betty.

Atmosphere - Tom Misch & Carmody