Monday 26 May 2014

Left behinds.

"I'm fucked, bro."
- Dante Le.

Looks like Dante picked up another hobby. He's given bodybuilding a rest and focusing on boxing, looks like training takes quite a bit out of him but I guess it's all good if he's enjoying himself, I wish I could say the same to mumsies though. I remember when I told her Dante was in the MMA ring in his debut fight last year, she broke down in tears right then and there. No mother wants to hear that her son is getting hurt and hurting others, sounds hard to be a mother, I would talk him out of it but even I know that that would be a waste of effort, that nigga is like a rock when he gets into something, at least I thought so, he's surprisingly indecisive when you get to know him so maybe this phase will end faster than I think, either way though, mumsie's sure has it tough.

I started and finished an entire anime today, holy shit, I don't think there're many other things that could make you feel like such a sack of wrinkly, old dicks than watching an entire anime in one sitting. Black Lagoon was the name of the anime, I had it on my hard drive for years and it was only today, that I allowed my boredom to outweigh my interests which led me to such an unproductive day. But, like most animes, I learnt some valuable lessons by the end of it, it's a shame I don't remember any of it now even though I watched the last episode like, 40 minutes ago.

I'm well rested and keen for one busy ass motherfucking week, imma make the world my bitch.

Left Behinds - Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee

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