Saturday 17 May 2014

Murder on the dance floor.

"It's gonna be the best breakfast you've ever had!"
- A very, very drunk Hong Nguyen

Got paired up with Little Brad again, was meant to work with either Beau/Bro or Stevie but got specifically chosen for some reason. It amazes me why he would go out of his way to bring me along when I fucked up yesterday, I guess he knows it was a one-off thing and he wants to make sure it stays like that which is awfully nice of him, at least, that's what I like to think. Found out Little Brad is Joel Turner's cousin, he and his other cousins started a group called "Joel Turner and the Modern Day Poets" Joel would often drop beats at Little Brad's house and get up to things you and I would get up to on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Got home and went to bed, going through the day at a high pace takes it out of you, either that, or it was the lack of sleep I've been getting as of late. I crashed and I crashed hard, woke up 2 hours late for Hong's birthday party got bombarded with messages as I made my way to her crib. The delightful greetings were just what I needed to snap me out of my drowsy state. I'm glad I went, remembered a lot of awesome things I let slip my mind the last time I saw all those guys, things like the wonders of conversation and company, the fact that I can play a little piano and what music can do to you if played at the right level :L I didn't drink, nor did I intend to but it was hard to resist the urge to be in the same zone as everyone else. I knew there were going to be a few stranded souls by the time everything finished so drinking was out of the question. I know how much family matters and cares and the damages a little stress can cause so I took me and a few others home despite the warm invitation to stay the night. I didn't decline to insult her, I just didn't accept because I didn't want to insult me. That breakfast would've been nice doe. 

Should've taken a picture like I did last year :L would've been mad to have a little something something to keep on here, oh well. Happy Birthday, Hong. You're a mad hostess, wouldcomeagain/10

Murder On The Dance Floor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor

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