Friday 9 May 2014

Save tonight.

- Yoshi, when I woke up in the truck and we were in the middle of the road.

I don't think I've wtf'ed harder than I did today. I was catching up on some sleep and I woke up because I felt this deep gaze on me, you know how you just have the feeling that someone is watching you and it makes you uncomfortable to a degree? yeah, it was that, that all went away when I realized it was Yoshi that was staring into my soul but when he looked at me and asked me for a pie and a coke, I couldn't help but laugh. It eventually made sense when I looked to my left and found a trailer attached to a ute selling pies and coke. It was a lot to take in 30 seconds after opening my eyes but hey, at least I got to witness someone buy pies and cokes whilst still being in the middle of the road, something you don't see everyday, I'm sure.

When I get bored in the truck, like if I'm on my way to New South Wales or some shit, I would often take my phone out and just text random people the lyrics to a song I'm listening to at that very moment. I did this occasionally and was about to do it again until I realized how many of the songs I listen to revolve around love and relationships. I don't think it sits well with people to read lyrics of a love song first thing in the afternoon. For a long time, I thought nothing of it but when I read back to the texts I've sent, I honestly fear myself. I spent the whole day thinking about whether or not I should text people shit that makes me sound like a clingly, hopeful cynic that's hanging on to a thread, I thought about it a lot but then I wondered why I even cared and proceeded to do so anyway. I don't like leaving myself to my own thoughts, it makes me more aware of what I'm like and that's like, the last thing I want to be aware of. If I ever find myself in the position where I own a smartphone, these lyric-texts is going to happen so much more frequently, I feel sorry for the people in my contact list, all 12 of them. I'M POPULAR HUEHEUHEUHEUE

Save Tonight - Eagle-Eye Cherry

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