Sunday 4 May 2014


"I got a new car!"
- Jacqueline Tieu. That damn nigga.

Nothing really happened today, well, as far as I can recall anyway. Oh, aside from the whole EvoVIII thing but I'll get to that shit later.

Ugh, it's all such a blur now that I have to recall it. Didn't really do anything but chill, look for music and prepped my meal for the day but I suppose it's to be expected on a day off. There's just so much you can do but so little you'd devote yourself to. It was cold as balls though, I'm not used to wearing clothes but I popped on a long sleeved hoodie, some shorts and a vest, a fucking vest of all things, a few years ago, you couldn't catch me in a vest even if I was dead but I just threw that shit on and drove to Zaraffa's where I met Nataliee for the first time since Randy's. We had a few exchanged before she handed me my white chocolate mocha. It's never a good idea to prolong conversation when someone is on the payroll, even I could tell you that, so I went outside, in the blistering cold, it was nice though, a nice, hot beverage, an iPod and a chair and table to sit on and just watch stuff, must've kept that up for a good 20 minutes before I decided to leave. Nataliee rejected my offer to take her home, she had the right idea. I always seem to do that, offering people lifts home and feeling confused when I get in my room and then everything just clicks, nigga, I'm creepy as fuck.

Bumped into Jacqueline in the gym and did legs together. She goes hard, aye. I don't think I've seen a girl go that heavy for that many reps before. Too many people are idealistic, doing too little and expecting too much but she is probably one of the few I've met who has a better grasp and knowledge of what they're doing and know what they're trying to achieve, which is more than what I can say for myself. After she was done, I saw her off because she told me she now owns a immaculate conditioned championship white Mitsubishi Evolution VIII which was like, everyone's dream car at one point. Getting to see one and hear one up close is an unforgettable experience, even if it was accompanied by the constant boasting pushed into my face but with a car like that, there's not a person in the world that wouldn't. For $17,000 she did mighty well. I could've gotten an evo, damnit, oh well, I don't think I could've formed an emotional bond with any other car than Betty.

Atmosphere - Tom Misch & Carmody

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