Saturday 24 May 2014

Home again.

"I'm starting to think you're lying about Salli."
- Troy, Beau and Stevie, A.K.A, The Gatton Boys.

Saturdays mean early ass starts and early ass starts call for an energetic Kevin Le. It's obvious why there aren't too many people who are keen in the morning, all the more reason for there to be one, a pattern has started to emerge, everyone seems to brighten up a little when there's a dude who's keen to get shit done in the room, this is evident when it becomes a little more lively, conversation happens, jokes are fired and laughs are had, I plan to keep this up for a long time and today was no exception. Got paired up with Stevie for the first time in a long time. We had a little tradition that has slowly died since it was rare for us to be in the same truck, at the end of a run, we would hop into maccas and see how many soft serve cones each of us could eat, he has the current record of 5, I don't know why I put that here, I guess it's something I would like to remember when I get the time to re-read all of this. 

Times are changing, man. Mumsies and Bobby has internet now and I've been seeing more and more smartphones appear here and there at their house. I never question since it seems fishy but they've managed to set up Facebook accounts and all of the sudden, it's selfieville in yololand. They've been at it for the last few weeks actually but all of this posing and clicking n' shit has gotten to me, man. It's stupid I'm getting worked up over this, there're family overseas that want to know how we're doing, it's just a shame that the only way they can be bothered to quench their concerns is through countless selfies. I should probably get around to teach them how to use Skype, god knows Andy won't do it, guess I'll do it on my day off. My frustration aside though, these selfies are pretty golden though :L

Home Again - Sizzlebird

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