Friday 30 May 2014

Souls together.

"Haven't had Kevy in a while, I'll go for him."

Here's a tip; if your boss ever goes "if you could rock up around 6am to 6:30am, that would be awesome" what it actually means is "please rock up at 6, bro, we be in some deep shit, yo." I only figured out yesterday when I rocked up at 6 to find an entire loaded cargo right in front of our warehouse, so, being the boss I am, the moment I saw this, I sprinted in and unloaded the container like a fucking hero, giving enough time for the boss to take a breather. Doing this though, put me in the position to rock up again at 6 today to unload not one but two big ass containers and when I was done with that, I was put on a run. Feeling physically drained has a certain euphoria to it, almost like it's your body's way of saying "well done, mate, you did the thingy" and it's something I wish I found out earlier, I think high school would've became so much more fun had I been more... physically able.

Got in the truck with Pete and off we went, another coast run, not complaining, I don't have the right to, there's always something nice to look at when I go to the coast, something about sitting in one spot for an hour and a half first thing in the morning while the world passes you really tickles my nipples. It's always a long day when I go with Pete. I can't believe he's 50 and yet the dude does this job with limited effort, I swear, if you saw this dude in person, you would instantly assume he would snap in half just by looking at him but nope, this dude picks up lounges like they were arthritis; naturally and it's truly a sight to behold.

Got back at the warehouse at 6:30pm and clocked in yet another 12 hour day and did my celebration dance until everyone felt it to be too embarrassing to breathe the same air I was and just left. Big Brad and Jeff went on holidays starting today and took off with a "see you boys later!" White guys are really into weird things :L Big Brad used his holiday pay to go to a 50's and 60's convention where everyone dresses up as Elvis Presley and Jeff went on some random ass cruise with god only knows.

Gymming was out of the question, what with color run being a couple of days from now which is just enough time for the DOMs to kick in and getting ready for color run would only leave my ass sore for the actual event so all there was for me to do was sit here and eat KFC, I don't think I will do well but shit, I'll give it as much as I can and hopefully, I won't disappoint myself.

Souls Together - Fabich, Ferdinand Webber & Dinnerdate

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