Saturday 3 May 2014

Knocking on heaven's door.

"You're not going to get a Colt!"
- Jeff. I'm starting to think he doesn't like Colts.

People change when they're in the car, maybe it's just the job persona you put on when you're on the payroll. I was paired up with Jeff today and we got caught up in a little traffic but when we had heard there might've been an accident further up the road, all we could think about was how delayed we would be. That can't be right, right? There's probably a serious accident where people have been injured or even killed and yet all we could be concerned about is whether or not people were getting their over-priced pieces of assembled wood and leather but I suppose there's no need to concern yourself with the well being of others when you're getting paid on someone else's time. A lot of people got fired for being too kind, they can't seem to understand that being nice is all well and good but do it in your own time. The boss doesn't have to money nor time for your chivalry and thoughtfulness. It takes a while to get used to, you know, fighting your instincts to do what is needed but to stay employed is going to test your will. Just needed to weigh the goods to the bads.

Got home early, like 3. Went straight to the gym and here I am, I haven't even showered yet. I wonder why I pick the strangest times to blog but I guess it's not that weird. I know the moment I get out of that shower, I won't feel like doing shit. The atmosphere is so good right now. My iPod is playing that playlist on a separate speaker whilst the wind is blowing from 3 different directions. I'm going to pass out as soon as I touch my bed and if I keep that up, I'll never get a chance to blog. My time is so limited now and I don't think I'm complaining, it's just different and I'm not used to having things so different. I'm adjusting at a good pace and in no time at all, this lifestyle will be the same as me chucking a shit but I just can't believe how much shit has happened and how little shit people give about those things happening. It's all so strange to me.

Knocking On Heaven's Door - Guns N' Roses

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