Sunday 18 May 2014

Stolen dance.

- Dante, seems like he's finally getting serious.

Day off, nyakah! so I'm just bumming here with nothing in particular in my mind. Didn't sleep til 4am, after taking Tony, Teddy, Denne, Squishy and Brandan home, I went for a little drive til I inevitably got lost, having a GPS really helps in times like that but there's a feeling of excitement when you know you could be fucked for a long ass time. The streets are so nice when they're empty and layered in rain like they were, like driving on a giant marble sculpture. Been sleeping, a lot, like, heaps, there's a lot I would do but I just don't want to spend money in order to do them. It's not like I don't have money, it's just that in my mind, the less I spend now, the faster I can pay shit off, it's a damn shame that not only do I refrain from going outside and do things that would be healthy for me like talk to people and such but I don't even know what I'm investing most of the money I make in to. It's a little odd to me that this is all my efforts have amounted to, I don't even know if what I'm doing is even doing anything but at the same time, I'm too afraid to ask. There must be some point in pouring moneys in mumsies' pockets but even if there isn't, that isn't too bad. Working is a joy and I get to spend the rest of my time to myself in peace or at the occasional event like yesterday.

Me taking a good week or two off gym to let my finger, wrist and elbow heal has also given time to let the rest of my body develop. Going gym everyday of 8 months stunted my muscle growth for a long time and this past week, the changes my body went through are insane, enough to notice. I guess what I'm trying to say is BRO, I'M FUCKING HUGE. But not doing what I've been doing for the shits and giggles for so long has made me start to miss it. Once you stop, it's very hard to pick up the motivation to start again so I guess I'm just biding my time til I happen upon it again, let's just hope it isn't too far.

Stolen Dance - Milky Chance

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