Friday 16 May 2014

Love at first sight.

"Holy shit, that went real dark, real quick."
- Kevin Le, after hearing what Hassan had to say.

There's this new dude that started working with us not too long ago, goes by the name of "Hassan" and I got to know this guy after awhile by using my unusual methods of inappropriate advances, shit like staring at them whilst doing commando rolls towards them and shit, anything that comes to my mind as I look at them pretty much, anyway, I had to unload a cargo filled to the brim with custom-made lounges made overseas and the moment I pulled out the last couch, he'd tell in great detail how his people illegally got shipped from Pakistan to Europe. Apparently, the cargo container we were in, resembled a typical shipping container filled with determined parents when he went through the toughest time of his life. It frightened me for a number of reasons; one, he told me this out of fucking no where, like totally out of the blue, it was 7 in the morning and I wasn't even expecting a "hello" let alone a fucking story about how people had to pay $4000 for a CHANCE to survive through a shipment for them and their legacy, 2, he showed me how morbid it was and how insanely hot it'd be for 3 weeks and lastly, after I listened to what he had to say, my morning was ruined, holy shit, that went real dark, real quick.

So, after being traumatized by a dude who can barely speak any English, I got paired up with Little Brad, someone who I've never worked with before. I heard a lot about this dude, about how indecent he is, all he talks about is weed and fishing but for some reason, I didn't see any of that today. He gave me useful tips, small things I can do to suck up to the higher-ups. He mentioned something about leaving the company soon and he would feel better about himself if he left some good knowledge to someone who would actually listen other than those who feel it is appropriate to do what they wish. I feel bad for not getting to know him better, he seems like the type of dude who tries to have fun at work and I suppose he does but even people like that have a respectable level sensibility.

Fucked up as an off-sider, it wasn't as bad as it could've been but we lost about 40 minutes due to my careless mistake. I got comforted by Little Brad and we went about our day, other than that little mishap, it was pretty cruisy.

I look weird at 68, guess it's time to work on those abs ==' oh how I dreaded this moment. I haven't done a shred of abs ever since I started gym, oh man, this is going to hurt so damn bad BUT MAN, CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW SEXY I'LL LOOK?! BETTER LOOK OUT, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, KEVIN IS GOING TO BE READY FO' YO ASS.

Love At First Sight - Kylie Minogue

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