Friday 9 May 2014

Truely, madly, deeply.

"Hahahahaha, you guys are so fucked."
- Everyone

When the boss decides on the groups for the runs every work day, they usually comprise of a bunch of two-man teams but because some fuckhead ordered 5 bunkbeds all going up stairs for a grand total of 35 pieces; each piece weighing in at a whooping 60-70kg, Steve got me working with both Jeff and Stevie in hopes that I can be the little push the team needed. The last time I was in an all day three-man cell was my very first day working, it was with Beau/Bro and Troy/God, that was a fun day, oh the memories. 

Needless to say, we smashed all of those pieces and went about our day as if it never happened. There's something about being with another 2 people that make the day so fun. We were talking and watching YouTube videos on smartphones and laughing at eachother's terrible jokes so much that I honestly forgot why we were out there in the first place. When they were like "The next drop should be around here somewhere" I was like "lel, wot r u tkin abt?@" and when I remembered I was in the middle work, I don't know why but I just pissed myself laughing, I couldn't even explain why I was laughing but it must've been contagious because by the time I opened my eyes, everyone was laughing, that poor person waiting outside for his shit must've been so confused. Ah, brings a tear to my eye every time :L

Hasn't sunk in that it's Saturday today. I always get surprised when I customer says "Have a good weekend" right as we're about to leave for the next drop, this would happen almost every drop, too. Work just seems so fun so that when a luxury like a weekend sneaks right around the corner, it just doesn't feel real.

I don't talk to Oscar, we've never had a one-on-one with each other and even if we did, it wasn't much, I would've remembered otherwise but for some reason, he invited me to go out and eat for his birthday. I declined at first but when he mentioned his birthday, my priorities changed dramatically. There's something about birthdays that people hold dear, it's just another day to me but for people to spend hours of effort relentlessly, it must mean that it's significant and who am I to deny the efforts of others? I hit below the 70kg mark awhile ago but it seems that after tonight, I hit above the 80kg mark because nigga, I can't remember the last time I had yumcha. I don't talk to those guys and the fact that they want to keep in touch makes me feel, well, touched. It was a good night, talked to a bunch of people I don't usually talk to anymore and as far as I was concerned, no one had changed, well, dramatically changed. I drove Teddy home and that was the end of that. Your birthday is tomorrow; I know but still, Happy Birthday, Oscar. Thanks for keeping me in mind, even if it was like, an hour before the actual event and even if I wasn't, thanks anyway, you da niggest.

Truely, Madly, Deeply - Savage Garden

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