Monday 19 May 2014


".. GO TO WORK!"
- Dante Le, when he heard my phone ring in the morning, that bastard fucking called it, too.

Woke up early just so I can tell Dante how much work I wasn't going to do today as he got ready for work. Dante doesn't like work and just because of that, it feels so good when he does and I don't, in fact, I make it a point to tell him how good it feels to me. I take in pleasure from other's misfortune, like everyone else, I imagine. I would ask him pointless things like "what are your plans for today?" and when he'd tell me to fuck off, I'd follow up with "oh yeah? sounds fun! guess what I'm up to while you do that?" and repeat that sequence of questions half a dozen more times as I try to get him fired. It was going all well and good for a while, who needed drugs when you could give the shits to your own brother ? it was as if liquid euphoria covered my body with each "fuck up, Kevin." I heard but when my phone rang in the midst of this trade of smirks and insults, the tables turn and boy, did they turn hard. It was Steve, my boss called to see if I was able to work, of course I'm not going to decline but with Dante listening so eagerly to my conversation, it sure was tempting. Imagine the sense of defeat I felt when I had to say "Yeah, I'm free to come into work today" in a perky voice right after all the shit I talked while Dante laughs his ass off in the background. I said nothing, aye. I just picked up my keys and left, I didn't even have pants on but luckily for me, there was a pair in Betty I prepared earlier, that was how bad I didn't want to be in Dante's presence.

Got paired up with Troy/God today, it's been so long since I worked with that dude, kinda missed him. We had a decent amount of deliveries and as we drove by Rosemary Street, I told him about the house I used to live in that was across the road from Kiet's and down the road from MyVy's. I reminisced for a while and when I looked down to the paperwork, I noticed that our next delivery was to the house I was talking about not 20 minutes ago. It was exactly how I remembered it, minus the 3 black dudes that were living there, we had to get a fridge up stairs and while we were carrying this 120kg behemoth, I couldn't help but look around. What a blast from the past, man. I probably shed some tears as we got back in the truck.

On the way home, Jeff took me to a burger joint at Wacol and I completely demolished their so called "monster burger" It shocked the hell out of Jeff but it was probably the same as eating a pizza and a bit, I thought everyone could do that but apparently not. I love that feeling of proving someone wrong, I swear, I could live off it.

Something happened today, something significant, I haven't seen Dante so depressed in such a long time, so, to rid himself of his depression, he took me to the gym and we worked on Back and Bis. Whoda thunk that the motivation I was looking for yesterday would pop up today, disguised as an unfortunate event that doesn't really affect me. I won't say what it is in respect for the people involved but I will touch up on this another time, when it isn't as sensitive a topic as it is now. Gym only granted a brief respite for Dante, when we got home, that dude was in shambles. It's depressing to see him (or anyone) like this.

Banshee - Lush & Simon

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