Monday 5 May 2014


"Yeap, we're getting a Colt."
- Dante Le, holy shit, it's really happening.

Day off again, not much happened, not much ever does. It's strange how little happened over the course of 24 hours, there isn't much you could do and even if there was, not much of it would be worth recalling, so, I spent it bumming about, looking for a Colt to adopt into the family and doing what I always do; nothing.

I talk to people at the gym a lot more now. I usually have my earphones in so talking to people would be the last thing on my mind in those short 2-3 hours but when I do take them off to say "hi" to a familiar face or say "bye" to a fulfilled one, there's a short window where people would intervene and introduce themselves as a sign of camaraderie, it doesn't happen often but when it does, it's the best feeling in the world, not because of the new relationship you've built without realizing but the things they say regarding your progress from their standpoint. There's no one else in the world that could tell you how much you've changed better than the people who know nothing about you, it's like having information you can trust whole-heartedly and keep with you forever knowing that what you've been told is the absolute truth because you know they have no reason not to. 

My days off have been even less eventful than they originally were. I used to spent my evenings at Mumsies' place and gamble until I'm out a few dollars but since this stupid fasting thing started, I've been going there less and less often. She always finds a way to put something large into my stomach and since I'm so weak-willed, I fall into this temptation and leave a few kilos heavier than my high school days :L I feel bad for rejecting her every invitation and I hope she and I can hold out til the end of the month. To be honest, I don't think this 65kg thing is gonna work out as well as last time, too many things have changed from them til now, all of which has affected my living habits. Niggas gon' nig.

Fade (Vocal Edit) - Wild Culture & Lucia

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