Friday 2 May 2014


- Pete, when he got back from the service station to find me singing along to some rap. Holy shit that was as funny as it was unexpected.

Early morning, looked and felt like absolute shit, I'm honestly surprised that the world is still intact after I drove and arrived at work, my eyes were probably opened for about 20 seconds of the drive there, my hood, trunk, petrol flap and doors could be wide open and I don't think I would've noticed, there's probably blood from innocent children all over Betty but as far as I was concerned, it's just a free paint job, besides, what kind of innocent children would walk around Inala at 6 in the morning ? Got paired up with Pete again and the first drop was an hour and a half away, towards the gold coast so I got to catch up on some sleep, which is rare since drops are usually 10-15 minutes apart. We talked about old school music and sang along to songs by the Proclaimers, Elton John, Burt Bacherach and Frank Sinatra music I had on my iPod, shit, we even sang some Eminem songs, I don't think I can describe in words how weird it is to see and listen to a 50 year old sing "Guess who's back? back again. Shady's back, tell a friend, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back." with a 20 year old asian boy just totally rocking out and head banging in the truck.

No one got home til 7pm. We were the first to finish but the last to get back because of the traffic and weather conditions but life gives way for no one, no one gets home til everything that needs to be done is done. Soaked by the rain and patience running thin due to the incompetent drivers and then coming back to an empty truck that needs loading was no one's cup of tea but once you look through all that, it's easy to come back to Earth. Things like this isn't worth getting upset about and all it takes it one person to realize this and then the day doesn't seem so bad, in fact, it looks pretty good. There needs to be that one person that can keep his cool which then keeps every one else's cool, I just never thought that person would be me.

I think I'll go back to my fasting routine, this cardio thing isn't working out as well as I hoped so I'm gonna gonna do what I did to lose my first 20kg, I just hope I can ride on it for another 10.

I couldn't help but think about what happened last night, I got worried and even found myself making several phone calls to ensure people were alright, getting home late didn't help either, fortunately, nothing happened when I got back but both Dante and I were sure something will happen soon.

Benedictus - Tenishia

Benedictus (Other Mix) - Tenishia

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