Friday 23 May 2014

Frivolous life.

"I owe you one."
- Kimmy Truong. She does, she won't do it though.

Got today off, too. Weird, guess there really is nothing on these days. I don't think it's because I don't like doing nothing, I love doing nothing, I just don't think I deserve to do nothing, not just yet anyway so when I get days off, I feel immensely guilty, like I should be doing something and knowing that I'm not, makes me feel like a waste of space and that's never a good feeling. Woke up and let Dante know exactly how unproductive I will be which prompted a well-deserve "Fuck you." and then did what I could do.

Dozed my day away with some coffee and microwavable meals, whilst listening to QI, a quiz show I often watch when I feel like learning something inapplicable to everyday life which is most of the time these days. Woke up from my nap and did what I could at the gym, ate din din at mumsies and then went home where I continued to wonder about what I could do for the rest of the night. I'm not quite sure why but Kimmy hit me up on Facebook, asking me for Jeremy's number and when she couldn't get a hold of him, she asked me to take her to the Valley. I couldn't say I was busy because then I would be lying and a drive didn't sound so bad at the time so I went to pick her up and off we went. I don't think I've ever spoken to Kimmy in high school, it's strange how normal it felt even though I hadn't heard height not hair from her in so many years (lol, like 4-5, really) We caught up what little there was to catch up on, there isn't really much to say when it comes to how've I been or what I've been up to, it's been the same for as long as I could remember, she on the other hand, had loads to say, and I'm more of a listener than a talker, nothing exciting happens to me simply because I don't allow them to. She filled me in on her relationship status and why she wanted to go out to the Valley in the first place, she also let me know what happened to her and Tan after high school and told me her life-story because we had a good hour to kill before her friends could meet up with her.

I thought about a lot of things tonight, like why Jeremy was meant to take her out instead of me, or why Kimmy felt so comfortable asking someone she never spoken to to do something for her, even wondered if this was going to be a constant thing but that all didn't last long. Never really was the type to care about things that didn't concern me. The drive home was nice though, nothing quite like an empty highway in the rain whilst some slow jams are playing. I think today has become a kinda productive day without my knowing.

Frivolous Life (Vlad Lucan Remix) - YesYou & Marcus Azon

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