Tuesday 6 May 2014

Man of the year.

"I specifically asked for you, Kev, so you better get your shit together."
- Pete, he said as he noticed I couldn't find my own elbow in the morning

"What you see is what you get, honey. Take it or leave it."
- Kevin, when I found my own elbow

My wrist is fucked, man. Woke up with my left wrist feeling all weird and the moment I went to pick up a couch, a sharp pain shot all throughout my hand. I don't have the balls to tell anyone though, I know the moment people knew, it would somehow reach the ears of Steve and Tony and I'll be sent home before I know it. I feel bad since it'll be pushing more work onto my partner but at the same time, if I were at home, I'd just spend the day talking shit about myself for not doing what I should be doing.

Apparently, I'm apart of the "A-Team" as Pete would like to word it. I've been his off-sider a lot as of late and we've always been praised for our work efficiency and would constantly leave a positive impression on the higher-ups with how fast we get shit done and since Pete gets to enjoy silence and I get to enjoy doof doof, as far as I was concerned, everybody wins! and today was no exception.

I got home and let me tell you; I don't think I've felt so tired in my entire life. I don't know what it is but something is draining me recently. I can barely keep my eyes open as I type this and it's not even 8pm. I think I'm going to have to give gym a miss today, I probably wouldn't be able to do anything judging by the condition of my wrist so going to bed is probably the best move right about now. Goodnight, Imma dream of living the dream.

Man Of The Year - ScHoolboy Q

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