Thursday 22 May 2014

Sad machine.

"Check out what I shit out, Kevin!"
- Izzy, as she pulled out a Zinger burger. I'm ashamed to admit, I was kinda excited even before she pulled out the burger.

At home, all day, they mentioned something about a "budget" and this "budget" is preventing people from buying shit, so that prevents us from delivering the shit they were meant to buy and because of this, I was told to stay home because there was fuck all on. It feels strange to stay home on a Thursday but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. It was convenient though, there were a mountain of things I had to do that I've been putting off simply because there's no time for it. Went to a few appointments and spent the rest of the day working with mumsies at good ol' Skylark Street.

Being there for a significant amount of time after so long left second impressions. There are people who spend their days there whom I have known my entire life, all of the sudden, these kids who I used to dislike are all in high school now, they weren't bitchy, annoying or even slightly resembled the people they were; the people I thought they were. I was holding decent conversations with little Kim from Tran's snack bar and we talked about the people who have come and gone from Skylark, Savanna, Erica, everyone. All those times I fell, got bullied, spat on and laughed at, made interesting conversations and now, I suppose that's all they'll ever be.

Chilled with Andy and Alanna whilst minding the registernator and got reminded about the dangerous environment that is constantly around this area. People are just itching for a scrap and there are ill-willed children at every corner. Andy got cursed at just for wearing a Corinda uniform on multiple occasions, once by a tomboy and again by me but man, people can can be so shallow. I also locked Andy in the shop freezer, that was funny.

Sad Machine - Porter Robinson

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