Tuesday 13 May 2014

Daddy dj.

"If one day; Kevin didn't enter the warehouse dancing and smiling, that is when I'll be concerned."
- Tony and Steve.

Worked with Pete and we done what we always did; our job, and we did it how we always do; perfectly, well, that's what I recall but I always try to see what I want to see instead of what was actually there. We were headbanging to songs we've never heard of before whilst throwing all of our offensive vocabulary in a single sentence, it's incredable to see a 50-year old work with suck vigor let along do that and get along with an asian that's less than half his age. I'll be honest, when I first met him, I kinda expected it to be like Gran Torino where he would be Clint Eastwood and I'll be that asian kid that can't act for shit but we're like the best of the best, at least, that's what we like to tell ourselves. Work is getting more and more uneventful as the weeks go by, maybe my standard of what "eventful" is, is becoming too grand but the same shit happens everyday with the minor tweaks that get put in by the boss. I would walk into the warehouse at 6am with a dance or a creepy expression or say something that will start a discussion, like whether or not I'm retarded, and that will last until we have to go on our rounds, which is all good, I'd much rather that than a quiet, morbid atmosphere where you could cut the tension with a breathe.

Gym still ain't happening, I wonder why my left wrist right index finger and now my right elbow hurt when I stress them. I make it a point to not go anywhere I'm not needed so I can avoid injuries like this. I can see myself becoming smaller, too, not a good sight to behold when you know there could've been some serious gains happening but I guess these things aren't so bad once in awhile. I've been spending most of my free time in the gym everyday for the last 8 months or so so it's no surprise that I'm in the condition I'm in. Guess I'll just find something else to do when I get home from work until this pain fucks off.

Daddy DJ - Daddy DJ

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