Saturday 31 May 2014

Devil may cry.

"Take a seat, Kevin!"
- MyVy Ngo Ha, she must've said that a dozen times at least.

Rocked up pretending to be an aeroplane and pretty much forced everyone at work to question my sanity because even I can't think of anyone who would do what I did this morning. I spent my Saturday morning with Beau and what a day it was, things went vury smoothly and we talked about a whole bunch of things but fuck me, I can't remember any of them, oh well, I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate me writing them down on an online diary-thing anyway, shame that the only thing stopping me is my ability to remember things, or lack thereof. We got home early, as we normally would on a Saturday which left me to go find something to do until it was time to eat. Yayyy.

It's not often that I think about others, as selfish as that may sound but hey, I am a selfish dude, I think we all need to be but coming home at 3pm with no one there and nothing to do had me wondering about everyone else, the people I acknowledge, the people who I once were very fond of and who I saw and talked to on a basis (I woudn't call it a frequent or a regular basis so I'll just leave it at "basis") I went to Leon's house to find that he wasn't there so I took that time to bitch about him to his siblings, we had some laughs and then I went to Kiet's house to also find that he wasn't there so I took that time to bitch about him to his siblings and parents. Apparently, Kiet, Leon and a few others went somewhere to do things to which I thought "fair enough, but now what?"

I ended up at MyVy's house and bummed there until she had things to do which wasn't until well into the evening. I felt bad for taking up a majority of her free time, I know she's too nice to tell me to fuck off so I kinda laid there, on her property like a dead bumblebee. We talked about my stupid lyric-texts and what little knowledge I had about cars since we were cleaning Jazzy much to her dismay and she even took Salli for a little drive, like, literally a little drive, like, I'm talking about 10 meters here and she let me do the same with Jazzy. It was an evening well-spent if I do say so myself, I don't have many people I can call a friend but for those who are, there's really something special there, maybe I should make an effort to keep these relationships instead of mindlessly working and sleeping and sleeping and working. Yeah, I'll probably end up doing this more often. If there's one thing I learnt from Hong, It's that Krispy Kremes make an excellent "oi, I'm at the front of your house, let me the fuck in" gift. Hope you enjoyed your donuts, MyVy!

Picked Kiet up so he could clean Andy's computer, he told me about what he and other guys were up to today as he handed my my color run gear. He told me they decided on my house as the location to meet, if I hadn't of asked, I doubt they would've told me as well :L other than my cardio sessions, I don't think I've ran this much since Cross Country.

Devil May Cry - The Weeknd

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