Tuesday 20 May 2014


"I used to care what people thought, but now I care more."
- Donald Glover/Childish Gambino, in his dope song "3005"

Woke up and got paired off with Yoshi, things were going pretty well until we realized the trolley was no longer on our truck, it wouldn't have been a problem, too if our truck wasn't loaded to the brim with fridges. When things don't go as planned, Yoshi gets mad and when he gets mad, that nigga gets mad, I don't think I've feared for my life as much as I did today at work. He was saying "fuck" more than 3 times every sentence. How odd that the only time we crucially needed the trolley, it wouldn't be on our truck, god likes to work in mysterious ways.

Heard from Dante that we might be having a little catch up session with one of his exs, her name is pronounced Ti-ah but she spells it differently every time I've met her. I think she was number 25 or 26, he sure goes around a lot. Out of all of the partners Dante has had, Tia was the one I made the mistake of bonding with the most, I don't regret it because she behaves and reacts like one of us, I only call it a mistake simply because it's never a good move to bond with your brother's girlfriend, for obvious reason and if they aren't obvious enough, I'm sure I'll touch up on this another time.

Got back into the groove of things and started doing to light shoulder workouts to ease in what I was doing before I stopped to let my body catch up. I was an idiot to think that getting to 65 would be the end of my body building days. I lost mass in all the wrong places and came to the conclusion that the only way I can achieve my idea of an ideal body, is to get lean at 75-80kg, and since I'm too stingy to take any form of supplements, this process is going to take fucking years, but hey, it gives me something productive to do on my time off, which is something I'm grateful for, makes me wonder though; the fuck do I do after I'm done with this little hobby of mine?

Phantasie - Kource

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