Wednesday 7 May 2014

Ms jackson.

- Dante Le, with the biggest smirk on his face.

Worked with Jeff today. The transition from listening to music all day to actively talking about whatever comes to mind during work is hard to get used to. I think that if I talk, I'm distracting the driver and that possibly puts my life in danger and I don't want that, I think. Jeff is totally different from Pete though; we were doing a delivery up at Mt Nebo (people actually live up there) and about half way up, I dozed off for a bit and in this short time I gave my consciousness a rest, he thought it'd be funny to scream "FUCKKK!" and slam the breaks on a mountain pass, and it was but quite frankly, I was way too hungry to even fear for my life, in fact, the thought that crossed my mind as I realized what was going on was "today is not my day" but that was before Jeff bursted out in laughter at my reaction, or lack thereof. Pete wouldn't even think of doing that but I guess I'd prefer being scared for my life than watch a 50 year old dude pull his cock out and start urinating in a bottle he was just drinking from. Actually, they're not that different now that I think about it.

I don't think I've seen Dante so happy :L I got home to a RalliArt Colt in my drive way thinking "no fucking way" and sure enough, inside of that turbocharged hatchback goodness was a very happy Dante. He told me it was like falling in love for the first time again or kinda like that time he bought his first car, I can't fully understand either of those emotions since I've been around Betty way before I owned him and I never really understood girls and at this point, I don't think I want to but man, it's a lot bigger than I imagined. I had this preconceived idea that it was a adorable, little hatchback that makes choo choo noises but the way it is now, it's bigger than Betty. I have a feeling Dante has big plans for Salli (yeah, I call it Salli now) since he seems to get like that when he gets passionate about something but I suppose anyone would, he just takes it to a whole new level. I like to think I'm a mild version of Dante, which is pretty bad since there aren't many people who can handle me so it's gonna suck balls when they meet that dude.

 Hmmmm, wrist is still fucked, this sucks.

Ms. Jackson - OutKast

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