Tuesday 27 May 2014

Anywhere for you.

"My best friend is dating my sister."
- Troy/God. lol, I thought that shit only happened in movies.

Got paired up with God today, it's been so long since I last worked with that dude. I was convinced that I was never going to see those guys again since they've taken a liking to me at the Browns Plains department. The boss really does just does it as he goes a long :L one day, I'm with a 50 year old dude who takes things seriously and the next, I'll be with a 20 year old dude making dick jokes until it's time to go home.

This whole time, when Beau was talking about his girlfriend, he was talking about Troy's sister and whenever Troy was talking about his sister, he was talking about Beau's girlfriend, that blew my mind to find out they were the same people. It makes you wonder how something like that could even happen. When boys are aware of this type of situation, they'd usually jump the gun and say it's "forbidden" or some stupid shit like that but damn, bro, if everyone is all good then nothing is wrong, at least, that's how I saw it, I guess they saw it like that as well. There should be a level of comfort to know that your sister is dating one of your mates, at least then you'd know what she's getting herself into. Hahaha, what a strange relationship.

Was reminded that I'm involved with the color run happening in a couple of days so I figured it would be best to lay off gym for awhile. There aren't many things worse than running when your body is already aching or while injured, not many people can understand that though. I guess I like to play it more safe than others, which is so strange since most people would look at me and make the assumption that I'm, uhhh, I guess "thoughtless" would be the best way to describe it, and I suppose I am but shit, even I know when too much is too much. So what do I do now that my only hobby has been temporarily taken away from me ? lots of eating, lots of lyric-texting and lots of bumming in Dante's room.

Anywhere for you (Tiesto, Dzeko & Torres Remix) - John Martin

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