Thursday 15 May 2014


"Good job, mate! Good blowjob!"
- Yoshi, when we drove past a guy using a leafblower.

Learnt a lot today, nothing useful, just noticed things I never noticed before. "It's good to be mad for the right reasons." was something that also stuck, aside from the quote of the day. I got to work with Yoshi again, this time it was more... interactive I guess. People figure him out to be the lazy type, a person who makes an effort to avoid work but the way I see it, he just doesn't want to do something that has no merit to anyone, he doesn't want to do something for no reason is what I think I'm trying to get across. He would get mad when we get add-ons to our truck but then he'd say "Why? we're not making money, if anything, we're losing money." which is the right way to look at it when you're working for someone else. Because of this, he doesn't have much face at work, he doesn't care either but still, what a shame. He is easily one of the best workers there by far. He taught me the working mind-set, it's almost like a life lesson every time you get to talk to him but it's gonna take quite a bit to get anything out of that dude. I would always get asked how was my day with Yoshi and I'd always say "good" and they'd never believe me, it was good and I'd gladly work with him again.

Got home late, showered and here I am. Not going to the gym so I think I'm going to crash. I've been passing out straight after work quite frequently these days, makes me wonder how I kept up my previous lifestyle before I got injured, guess I don't know how tired I really am until I touch the bed. Even though I've stopped gym for a bit, it looks and feels like my body is getting bigger, like, not in a fat way either, wonder what is up with that, oh well, I'm not complaining :L if doing nothing is gonna make me look good naked then shit, imma do that shit all day.

Complicated - Avril Lavigne

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